All Systems & interiors articles – Page 401
Airlines circle Italy as Alitalia flounders
Carriers swoop in on Italy With Alitalia's future remaining unclear, airlines are starting to hone in on the Italian market As...
Lufthansa, SAS make progress in reducing distribution costs
kerry ezard london Airlines cut deals to lower GDS cost Lufthansa and SAS Group have reached agreements with Sabre and Amadeus to reduce their...
Low-cost carriers become harder to define
Once upon a time a low-cost carrier was simple to define with traits like a one-class cabin, high aircraft utilisation, all internet sales and low fares....
Premium carriers dwindle in number
The demise of Eos leaves only two dedicated all-premium carriers - L'Avion and Silverjet The viability of the all-premium business model is again being...
Comment - If you can't beat them - help them
For the past few years, in-flight entertainment system manufacturers have faced a bothersome problem - how to stay viable when an increasing number of passengers...
Business Briefs
Airbus identifies bidders for Laupheim plant outsourcing Airbus has narrowed to two the shortlist of potential investors in its German cabin interiors plant...
iPod integration takes hold on airlines
Airlines are queuing up to offer passengers the ability to play music and video content from their own Apple iPod players over Panasonic Avionics' latest...
New page for Zeppelin
COVER STORY New page at Zeppelin Many were sceptical when the Zeppelin was relaunched in the 1990s, but the modern airship has found a 21st century...
Comment- The Riddle of the Skies
With US-European Union talks on liberalising air transport about to reach their second stage, strong leadership is critical if both sides are to remain focused on the prize
Spectrum selects Honeywell Primus Epic for S-40 Freedom
Spectrum Aeronautical has selected Honeywell's Primus...
Frontrunner in personal jets contest could be delivered before July's AirVenture show
None are certificated yet, but a frontrunner in the new competition between personal jets could be delivered as a kit before July's AirVenture show in Oshkosh,...
Airbus expects up to three-month delay in A380 production
Airbus expects up to three-month delay in A380 production