All Systems & interiors articles – Page 549
Bell takes steps to keep new twin-turbine quiet
US manufacturer makes design changes to reduce Model 429’s noise signature
Joint study gives green light to Anglo-Irish ‘single sky’
Major efficiencies predicted through plans to combine two national airspace blocks
Will orders pay off?
Aircraft orders flooded back at the Paris air show. But what impact will they have on the market? asks Chris Tarry of CTAIRA
A grand vision
In the wake of 9/11 the industry seemed ready to free itself from the years of restrictive practices that had left it in crisis. But the hope for a new sense of direction has since faded, at least in the west, leaving others to set the pace
Fuel price worries mount
Predictions that high fuel prices would ease back in 2005 are looking increasingly optimistic as the half-year mark passes, and carriers in both Europe and the Asia-Pacific region are feeling the pressure
Low-cost failures loom
Low-cost airlines are triggering consolidation in the European airline industry, with a number of carriers likely to fall by the wayside, according to Dieter Schneiderbauer and Alexander Neuhaus, European head and senior associate, respectively, at Mercer Management Consulting’s travel and transport practice
Expect delays
Delays are often seen as a sad but unavoidable fact of life, but joined up planning across the industry could make radical improvements and help differentiate those airlines that achieve a better performance
Paris cheer
Airbus and Boeing had reasons galore to be pleased with their work at the recent Paris air show as the orders piled in and new models gained ground
Switching the channel
When it comes to distribution, are the Global New Entrants (GNEs) the answer for cash-strapped airlines?
Engine for change
Airlines must come to terms with a new distribution technology: sophisticated web searchers that trawl through many travel sites to find the much-sought after lowest fare
Common cause
It has been a long time coming, but the Star Alliance common IT platform is finally close to launch, representing a major step up in alliance co-operation
Senate offers carriers cold comfort
When they took their pensions crisis to Capitol Hill recently airline chiefs found little sympathy from Washington’s political elite but considerable blame.