All Systems & interiors articles – Page 912

  • News

    Northwest and KLM increase US-Europe frequencies


    NORTHWEST AIRLINES and KLM will inaugurate a joint daily non-stop service between Washington's Dulles International and Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport on 29 October, replacing the present thrice-weekly frequencies. The new service will be flown with McDonnell Douglas DC-10-30s. The two airlines now offer joint schedules from 11 North American ...

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    Maintenance Company Downtown Airpark, of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, has named Adriano Davila director of international sales. Over the past 14 years, following US Air Force service, Davila has been a pilot and technician instructor at both Colorado Aerotech and FlightSafety International. Greg Groves has become interior department manager, replacing Ed ...

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    Independence days


    Since the break-up of Aeroflot, the number of independent airlines in the CIS has grown to around 500. Paul Duffy/MOSCOW THE AIRLINE INDUSTRY in the former Soviet Union has seen some remarkable changes in the past four years. From a supposedly single airline, Aeroflot in ...

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    Starships will be crash-tested


    TWO STARSHIP airframes donated by Raytheon Aircraft to NASA's Advanced General Aviation Transport Experiments (AGATE) programme will be used for nondestructive testing and crash-simulation tests (Flight International, 17-23 May). Raytheon has donated two of the three Starship certification prototypes, having first removed the engines, avionics and systems. Initial ...

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    IFEN certificated


    Interactive Flight Technologies' video-on-demand In-Flight Entertainment Network (IFEN) has received US Federal Aviation Administration supplemental type-certification following test flying in an Alitalia McDonnell Douglas MD-11. Alitalia is evaluating the US company's in-seat video system. Source: Flight International

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    CASA plans to develop new transport variants


    Julian Moxon/MADRID CASA IS PLANNING developments to each of its military transports as part of a new strategy aimed at further strengthening its position in the sector. A new version of the C.212, the C.212-400, has effectively been launched, equipped with electronic flight-instrumentation system improvements ...

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    BA/KLM set records as traffic takes off


    Kevin O'Toole/LONDON BRITISH AIRWAYS impressed analysts with record profits in the June quarter, while KLM followed with another robust performance, helping to underline the strength of demand in Europe's air markets. BA's net profits rose above £100 million ($160 million) for the quarter, the first ...

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    Raytheon Aircraft delivers all-cargo 1900Cs to Falcon


    RAYTHEON AIRCRAFT has delivered, the first of four all cargo Beech 1900Cs, to Dubai-based Falcon Express Air Cargo (FECA), which will use the aircraft for express-package services in the Gulf region. The used 1900Cs have been modified with aluminum cabin liners, cargo nets, plugged windows, special interior lighting ...

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    Ringing in the new


    What does the new Bell 407 offer over its predecessors? Graham Warwick/MONTREAL IF BELL IS renowned for two things in the commercial-helicopter field, they are the Model 206 and the two-blade rotor. These traditional Bell strengths have threatened to become weaknesses, however, as the prolonged ...

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    Why lemons can make pilots sick


    Gunter Endres/LONDON WHAT WOULD YOU do if you are a pilot and you smell lemons in the cockpit? You would most likely to assume that the cabin staff is serving a gin and tonic, or cleaning the toilets, and you would ignore it. What you probably will ...

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    Taking the heat


    CASA president Raul Herranz talks about his successful business strategy. Julian Moxon/MADRID WITH VIRTUALLY no rain in recent months, and the city now suffering the hottest weather in recent memory, the atmosphere in Madrid this summer is hardly refreshing. Unless, that is, one ...

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    Foreign interest raises Qantas flotation price


    Paul Phelan/CAIRNS AUSTRALIA'S long-running airline-privatisation programme has come to an end with the flotation of the remaining 75% state holding in Qantas Airways. Despite early doubts over demand for the shares, the Australian Government estimates that it will receive around A$1.45 billion ($1 billion) from ...

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    Duncan pushes turnaround performance


    DUNCAN AVIATION IS guaranteeing customers a reduced turnaround time for the maintenance, refurbishment, or painting of light- and medium-sized business-jets. Lincoln, Nebraska-based Duncan's new PowerTurn programme specifies penalties if the company fails to redeliver the aircraft by the guaranteed date. "[Corporate] flight departments are increasingly expected to maximise ...

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    Wilcox wins WAAS deal


    Ramon Lopez/WASHINGTON DC THE US FEDERAL Aviation Administration has awarded Wilcox Electric a $475 million incentive-fee contract to develop and produce the world's first wide-area augmentation system (WAAS), which makes the global-positioning system (GPS) usable for all phases of civil flight. Award of the contract ...

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    Sun Country pioneers the use of GPS


    MINNEAPOLIS-BASED Sun Country Airlines is the first carrier to obtain operation approval to use the global-positioning system (GPS) for navigation in oceanic and remote airspace. The US Federal Aviation Administration granted approval after a demonstration flight on 25-26 July from Boston, Massachusetts, to Santa Maria, Portugal. The flight ...

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    USAir changes tack on unions...


    USAIR HAS ABANDONED efforts to win $2.5 billion in union concessions over the next five years, and plans instead to negotiate labour savings in contract talks. The decision to drop the talks with four unions follows disclosure of a $113 million second-quarter net profit. Union workers appear to ...

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    Pilot changes


    THE EUROPEAN airline-pilot market - much to the chagrin of the pilots - is still very much a buyer's market. There are some signs that it is freeing up, with some major airlines starting to recruit (or at least showing an interest). There is not, however, a widespread shortage of ...

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    Hot Bird tanks


    Propellant tanks are being installed in Eutelsat's Hot Bird 2 satellite at Matra Marconi Space (MMS), Stevenage UK. MMS is also building the Hot Birds 3 and 4 (Flight International, 26 July-1 August). The 20 Ku-band transponder Hot Birds will be co-located at 13°E in geostationary orbit to provide direct-to-home ...

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    Passengers become more sophisticated


    Sir - The recent stand made by a group of UK charter carriers against low-quality flight operations is long overdue (Flight International, 12-18 July, P8 and Letters, 26 July-1 August, P39). In all markets, passengers are price-sensitive, but they are also quality-conscious. Premium-class passengers, in particular, have become ...

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    O-ring anomalies delay the Shuttle missions


    Tim Furniss/LONDON NASA HAS POSTPONED the launch of the Space Shuttle mission STS 69/Endeavour until late this month, to complete a review of hardware associated with O rings in the nozzle joints of the solid-rocket boosters (SRBs). Examination of the two boosters used for the ...