All Systems & interiors articles – Page 927
Bell launches Model 407
BELL HELICOPTER Textron has launched its Model 407, with orders for more than 40 of the new light-turbine helicopters. As expected, the single-turbine 407 and twin-turbine 407T are based on the current Model 206, with the four-blade-rotor dynamic system from the OH-58D Kiowa Warrior. Launch customer is Niagara Helicopters. ...
Upgraded A.109 may be on the way
AGUSTA HAS declined to comment on reports that it is developing an upgraded A.109 turbine twin which will be available with three engine options. Industry sources suggest that the Italian company has tested an improved Allison-powered variant and is about to begin flight tests of a Pratt & Whitney Canada ...
Upgraded A.109 may be on the way
AGUSTA HAS declined to comment on reports that it is developing an upgraded A.109 turbine twin, which will be available with three engine options. Industry sources suggest that the Italian Company has tested an improved Allison-powered variant and is about to begin flight tests of a Pratt & Whitney Canada ...
EH101 technology is destined for fixed-wing aircraft
THE ACTIVE VIBRATION-control system of the EH Industries EH101 helicopter could soon be applied to a fixed-wing aircraft. Brian Main, chief engineer on the programme at EHI partner Westland, will not identify the potential airframe application, apart from hinting that it is twin-engined, and for a military application. ...
EH101 technology is destined for fixed-wing aircraft
THE ACTIVE VIBRATION-control system of the EH Industries EH101 helicopter could soon be applied to a fixed-wing aircraft. Brian Main, chief engineer on the programme at EHI partner Westland, will not identify the potential airframe application, apart from hinting that it is twin-engine, and for a military application. ...
Soaring satellites
The satellite market is booming in the Asia-Pacific region. Paul Phelan/CAIRNS Space-related activity in the Asia-Pacific region is growing at a rate unknown elsewhere. From the westernmost-orbital position allocated to an Asian satellite (38¡E), to the dateline at 180¡E, a 60% growth in traditional satellite-communications ...
Pricing it right
As O&D yield management techniques take systems to unprecedented levels of capability, the real challenge for airlines will be their proper integration and use. Jackie Gallacher reports. Like many technologies, yield management has taken time to evolve from the early systems of the 1980s to reach its current level ...
Making the right moves
Understanding how to adapt their strategies to a rapidly changing 'newgame' environment may be one of the most important lessons for airline managers in the 1990s. Dr John Steffens proposes a suitable framework. It should be a basic premise in any industry that new games require new rules. And the ...
Saginaw ghost
A mystery from the past may have relevance for the present. David Learmount/LONDON When Capt. Harvey "Hoot" Gibson's aircraft, a Trans World Airlines Boeing 727-100, suddenly rolled out of control and dived 32,000ft (10,000m), Gibson had to pull more than 5g before recovering control at ...
Much thought was put into JAA's FTL proposals
Sir - The article "Duty bound" (Flight International, 14-20 December, P32) is inaccurate both in detail and in the overall impression given. The proposed flight and duty time limitations and rest (FTL) requirements contained in the draft JAR-OPS 1 Subpart Q were not "thought up" by the Joint ...
Longhaul freedom
Christopher Chataway, chairman of the UK Civil Aviation Authority, examines the obstacles to competition on longhaul routes and suggests how to overcome them. Drawing from a recent CAA report, he highlights bilaterals, EU bloc negotiations, problems faced by smaller airlines, corporate discounts, fare levels, and airline collusion. Longhaul aviation ...
Fiinding the way
The only surprise in the regional-airliner tie-up between Aerospatiale, Alenia and British Aerospace is that it is happening. The tie-up does not represent the end of the restructuring of the European regional-airliner industry, but the beginning of a new route for which there are, as yet, no maps. By including ...
Late decisions
Kieran Daly/LONDON Frequency congestion in Europe is giving the future air-navigation system a bad name and delaying its implementation. Progress towards use of the future air-navigation system (FANS) continues to prove slow for regulator and airline alike. Operators and governments remain reluctant to make the ...
Daimler-Benz forms satellite-landing venture with Rockwell
DAIMLER-BENZ Aerospace ( DASA) and Rockwell have formed a joint venture to develop and market satellite-based navigation and landing systems. Rockwell and DASA will each hold 50% of the venture, which is to be located in Ulm, Germany (Flight International, 25-31 January). The venture brings together Rockwell's Collins ...
Crisis over - don't let up
Airline industry fortunes may be on the upturn, but much work remains. Here are our 10 commandments. At long last, there's something to be optimistic about. For many airlines, traffic has returned, costs have been cut, and the bottom line is looking, well, better than it has for a ...
Hughes wins contracts for four communications satellites
Tim Furniss/LONDON HUGHES SPACE and Communications International has maintained its lead in the satellite-manufacturing market with contract awards to build three HS-601 and one HS-376 communications satellites for Luxembourg, Malaysia and Afro-Asian Satellite Communications (ASC). The deals bring orders for the three-axis HS-601 to 38 ...
Inmarsat claims lead in global satphones
INMARSAT P COMPANY has received $1.4 billion in investment commitments to implement the building of a global hand-held satellite-telephone system. The investment figure, which has been promised by 35 countries, exceeds the $1 billion target and represents the total projected equity requirements for the project at this stage, ...
Satellites are cause of some problems
Sir - The article "Telstar 4 mystery delays Asiasat 2" (Flight International, 11-17 January, P18) confirms a story which I published in Worldwide Satellite Launches on 10 October 1994. I said: "...US Spacecom has only tracked one object from the launch (1994-058A/23249) which has been nominally assigned to the satellite: ...
Battery Back-Up
Avtech of Seattle, Washington has teamed with GEC-Marconi InFlight Systems of the UK to develop a battery back-up unit, which provides power to the cabin file-server during power interruptions. The unit will be used on Boeing 777s fitted with the GEC in-flight entertainment system. Source: Flight ...