TAG Farnborough's hopes to almost double the number of aircraft movements at the UK's only dedicated business aviation airport have been dashed by local government officials.

Rushmoor Borough Council rejected the proposals on 11 November because of a possible increase in noise levels and safety concerns from residents.

The TAG Aviation subsidiary sought to raise the total number of movements from 28,000 to 50,000 a year by 2019 to keep pace with expected increased demand for the airport from business aircraft users.

TAG says it is "disappointed" by Rushmoor's decision. "This could have a negative impact on already congested south-east airports and the local economy. [We] will carefully study this decision before determining ongoing priorities."

TAG has seen business aircraft movements at Farnborough soar from 16,100 in 2003 - its first full year of operation at the site - to more than 25,500 in 2008. Although the operator is expecting an overall decline in movements this year due to the economic slowdown, air traffic movements at the airport are expected to rise significantly over the coming decade as the global economy recovers.

TAG has invested around £100 million ($148 million) upgrading the airport since it became leaseholder of the site - home to the biennial Farnborough air show - in 2001.

Source: Flight International