Negotiations to resolve the long-running dispute between British Airways (BA) and members of its cabin crew are showing signs of progress, following a series of meetings between the airline CEO and the head of the union representing the staff.
Neither side would today provide detail of the ongoing negotiations. "Talks have been occurring, have been productive and are continuing," says a Unite union spokesman. BA says that the talks, between airline CEO Keith Williams and Unite general secretary Len McCluskey have been positive.
"We would certainly hope that we can come to a resolution," says a BA spokesman.
The two sides last week agreed to postpone by 28 days the deadline by which, under UK law, the union had to announce dates for industrial action following its latest strike ballot. This removed the threat of strike action over the busy Easter holiday period.
Outstanding issues in the bitter dispute, which began a year ago and led to several bouts of strike action, include the restoration of staff travel privileges - stripped from strikers by former CEO Willie Walsh, now chief executive of the International Airline Group that brings together BA and Iberia - and resolution of disciplinary measures against the striking cabin crew.
Neither side would today say when any further rounds of talks would take place.
The dispute initially flared over BA cost-cutting measures, including the reduction of cabin crew numbers on some flights.
Source: Air Transport Intelligence news