Production of the Tupolev Tu-214 in the Russian republic of Tatarstan is gearing up, following agreements to support production and leasing of the 200-seat twinjet. Meanwhile, local carrier Sibir Airlines is finalising a lease deal for three examples.

The Perm and Novosibirsk regions of Tatarstan have signed agreements to support the leasing and production of the aircraft by the Gorbunov KAPO manufacturing plant in Tatarstan's capital Kazan. The Aviadvigatel PS-90A which powers the Tu-214 (itself an increased gross weight version of the baseline Tu-204-100) is manufactured by Perm Motors in Perm.

Novosibirsk-based Sibir Airlines is negotiating a lease deal covering three Tu-214s with Avialeasing, which has been set up by Perm (Flight International, 20-27 October). To help establish the deal, Avialeasing is to deliver a Tu-204-100 to Sibir to operate scheduled services to Moscow. The aircraft will also be used to underwrite a 10-year, R1 billion ($40 million) bank loan to finance the three-aircraft deal.

The KAPO-built Tu-214 is expected to be certificated early next year. It is hoped that deliveries to Sibir will follow later in the year. The aircraft cannot be handed over until 10 months after the financing begins. If the deal proceeds, it will mark a breakthrough in the financing structure for commercial aircraft leasing in Russia.

Source: Flight International