As well as the systems being fully interactive via its touchscreen interfaces, the mechanical controls allow the Thales fixed-base simulator to be "flown" using a traditional Boeing control yoke, rudder pedals, power levers, flap and spoiler levers as they will be in the 787, and an autopilot mode control panel with conventional knobs and switches as planned for the 787.
The simulator includes class 3 electronic flight bag displays outboard of each pilot's main flight displays.
The external visual display is limited, however, to a pair of small screens, one located above the cockpit coaming in front of each pilot's position. Boeing concedes that these are really intended only to enable pilots to train for the head-up display that will be standard on 787s. But this is the machine from which Boeing hopes 777 pilots can graduate direct onto the 787 in line service.
Alteon says Boeing already has a Thales 787 FFS at Seattle, which is being developed in parallel with the aircraft's preparation for its test flying programme, and will deploy a second to its training base at Miami complete with the full pilot qualification plan suite by 2010.
Source: Flight International