The fuel-efficient, all-composite, Diamond Katana is evaluated from the pilot's point of view.26

How are the much-heralded East-West joint programmes progressing? Flight International takes a look at the Ilyushin Il-96M/T, among other projects.

number 4481 volume 148

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ISSN 0015-3710

Estonian: first Baltic operator of the 737



747X-stretch studies continue4

Lear 45 may have NBAA convention debut

RAF offered U-2 by Lockheed5

Europe prepares airline-ban option

FAA/Airlines launch ATN6

GE90 gets back on track

Air Transport

FAA Cat III GPS tests complete8

Airlines finalise plans for Stuttgart Airport

Boeing warns on shrunk 7779

DHL will add more 727s to Asian fleet

Ground-handling issue intensifies10

American Eagle ATR 72 drops a door

Japan to launch YS-X by late 199612

Estonian takes delivery of Boeing 737-500


British Army chooses Apache13

Lockheed Martin starts JAST tests14

Westland plays safe on blade assembly

Japan seeks FS-X cost reduction15

Successful launch for Helios 1A


Market will double, says report16


Aerospatiale wins Eutelsat 3 deal17


Hexcel/Ciba link on composites18

Thomson-CSF embarks on restructure

SAA close to improved finances19

General Aviation

Seastar project could be scuppered20

Loran C phase-out brought forward21



Air-combat ready23

Tactics training for helicopter pilots examined

Airline Safety Review29

Accidents and incidents over the past six months

Looking to expand35

Israel's EL-OP is happy to stay in defence market



Straight and Level38


The top international marketplace for aircraft, equipment, tuition and jobs.

Source: Flight International