The mysterious glass box on the threshold of the Singapore Technologies Engineering area at the main entrance of Hall A has attracted the attention of plenty of passing showgoers. And that’s exactly what the versatile Singaporean company hoped for.

“We wanted an eyecatching feature that would also help to symbolise our Shaping new dimensions theme for the show,” says STE corporate communications head Lim Beng See. “It’s done what we hoped for, producing a sense of fluidity and flexibility and setting the tone for our presence at the show.”
The design on the disembodied cube rotating in the mist within the glass box reflects the tangram puzzle images that adorn the STE area. The tangram pictures themselves are intended to symbolise the company’s diversity and its ability to draw on different technologies, capabilities and platforms and then recombine them to create new solutions for our customers. “As a concept it had that wow factor and everyone bought into it on the spot,” says Lim Beng See.
Many of the pictures were produced by members of the public in response to a competition sponsored by STE. The winners were rewarded with tickets to the show and will be able to admire their handiwork when they attend on the public days.  

The box is the work of local company Kingsmen, which has designed stands for many exhibitors and is the official contractor for the chalets. Kingsmen’s designers came up with the idea six months ago and worked to turn it into reality right up to the eve of the show.

Source: Flight Daily News