The World Route Development Forum comes back to Europe this year, following a stint in the Middle East in 2006, and is expecting a record turn out
This year's World Route Development Forum returns for the third time to Scandinavia, where it will be held in the Swedish capital Stockholm. It has previously taken place in both Copenhagen and Oslo. The event's organiser says Stockholm was chosen because it has the largest financial market in Scandinavia, and the city is conveniently located midway between Asia and North America.
Routes is expecting to draw 2,500 delegates to Stockholm, including 350 airlines and 650 airports. First-time airline attendees this year will include Spain's Clickair, Brazil's Gol, Oasis Hong Kong Airlines and Southwest Airlines, as well as all-premium operators L'Avion from France and Silverjet from the UK. Airports making their Routes debut will include Toluca in Mexico, Norrkoing in Sweden, Nassau in the Bahamas and Khabarovsk in Russia.
For the first time, this year's Routes will feature a Leader's Forum, where speakers such as British Airways chief executive Willie Walsh and Macquarie Airports chief executive Kerrie Mather, will discuss global issues and events affecting air service development.
The event, which is being hosted by Stockholm Arlanda Airport, will once again feature its Network Village, where delegates can meet informally at over 40 hosted stands.
The gala dinner has been renamed the Routes Stockholm Party and will be held in Stockholm City Hall, the venue of the Nobel prize dinner. The Routes Awards ceremony will take place during the dinner and delegates will be entertained on the night by an Abba tribute band.
Routes Daily News
Airline Business for the fourth time will be producing Routes Daily News at the event. Our team of journalists will be bringing you all the latest news from Routes, summed up in three separate daily newspapers which will be made available to delegates as they enter the event.
The daily newspaper will contain a what-to-do in Stockholm guide, as well as data analysis and airline chief executive interviews.
To obtain publicity for your airline route developments and the latest goings-on at your airport, or to alert us to any news in advance, please contact Airline Business deputy editor Brendan Sobie.
As usual the ATI Internet Café will be available throughout the event, offering delegates free access to the ATI website. Both Airline Business and its sister publication ATI are media partners to Routes.
Routes 2007
To book a place at the Routes 13th World Route Development Forum or for further information go online:
Dates 23-25 September
Venue Stockholm, Sweden
Contact Catherine McLeod
Fast facts
2,500 delegates expected
350 airlines attending
650 airports attending
13th year of the event
3rd time event has been held in Scandinavia
Source: Airline Business