The International Air Transport Association is concerned that, despite the meticulous planning embodied in the Single European Sky ATM Research Programme Definition Phase, there are a number of issues over which the planners have no control, and which they had no remit to consider during planning. Some of these could derail the whole process, others could delay it severely.

IATA lists the risks as:

  • If institutional and management processes prove inadequate, then risks include the regulatory framework being unable to support implementation performance-based approach not implemented a failure to manage human resources, social factors and change management and failure to agree on systemic defragmentation.
  • Near-term failure by some ANSPs to apply Service Level 0 and 1 capabilities fully and on time.
  • At Service Levels 2 to 5, where major advances are required, IATA sees a series of risks: the governance level is not capable future work reveals shortcomings in ability to meet design and performance targets new technologies delayed SWIM (see diagram) is implemented late or below specification.

Source: Flight International