Fly Wings has selected Chicago's Jet Support Services (JSSI) "Tip-to-Tail " hourly maintenance cost guarantee programme to support the Piaggio P180 Avanti II twin-pusher turboprop it purchased in December 2005. The Swiss operator acquired the first Avanti II to be delivered, purchasing Tip to Tail along with the aircraft. The programme includes coverage for the Pratt & Whitney PT6-66 engines.
"We are thrilled with Fly Wings' decision to enrol its Avanti II with JSSI.  It is great testimony to our strong relationship with Piaggio and our responsiveness to provide service to the new aircraft market.  We are looking forward to supporting many more Avanti operators as the fleet grows," says John Haskins, president and chief executive of JSSI. 
Piaggio Aero and JSSI collaborated on a joint marketing agreement in 2005 to offer new Avanti I and II buyers preferred enrolment options for their engines and airframe. 

Source: Flight Daily News