An unmanned aircraft that can tow up to 100 micro air vehicles (MAV) to a target area to save energy is being studied by the US Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), Air Force Academy (USAFA) and University of Texas.

Funded by the AFRL, the study is looking at the feasibility of towing unmanned air vehicles or MAVs using a larger unmanned aircraft with internal combustion power. The towed vehicles would either be disposable or would return to the mothership to be resupplied with power or fuel.

"We redefined towing to mean anything that allows energy or data exchange. We're building prototypes, not systems that are sent into missions," says USAFA professor of engineering mechanics Daniel Jensen.

Last year, US design consultancy Avid filed to patent the design of a flying-wing UAV powered by eight ducted-fan engine modules that can detach and operate autonomously as MAVs.

Source: Flight International