Two brand new jets are taking the fast track to their buyers at the EBACE show, courtesy of Aero Toy Store - the Florida company that claims to be the world’s largest aircraft dealer.

“We're going to have the hottest display,” assures COO Ben Shirazi, “We're going to have a Boeing Business Jet, which is unheard of in the marketplace. We're going to have a Challenger 300, which doesn't exist.” It’s so new no one else has one for sale, Shirazi explains, and those two will join three Challenger 604s and a Challenger 800 to round out their available aircraft.

The aircraft sport amazing interiors refurbished by the Toy Store team 
EBACE is  the place to make a lot of sales, Shirazi  predicts. “For us, it's actually the best trade show, better than NBAA, better than any of them. You’re right in the middle of Europe. There's a lot of exposure,” he says, adding, “We find that there're a lot of real buyers, as opposed to the local shows in the States. Here [in the USA] you get a lot of, for lack of a better term, tire-kickers, and not a lot of end users.”

This will be the  fourth year hosting displays at EBACE, where it offer tours of the specialised interiors and other refurbished features.

Shirazi explains how they contract with the same designer of Ferrari and Maserati interiors to spruce up even a brand new Bombardier jet. “We've actually hired them exclusively to design all our interiors,” he states. “It had a very simple but nice Bombardier interior, but we took it to the next level. It's got diamond stitches, beautiful upholstery leather. It is at EBACE on display for sale.”

The main division acquires planes for resale. “We buy new, we buy pre-owned, we buy anything,” Shirazi says. “We go to a factory and purchase two years ahead, like with two Challenger 605s. We'll sell them now or at delivery.”

Global Jet Charters is the division that does what its name suggests, and AeroCarz is a high-end exotic and collectible car dealer. “In the late 80s we were in automotive sales,” Shirazi points out. “We were the world’s largest car dealer.”

In 1993 the family-owned company made a change. “We sold the company Auto Toy Store and we continued on with Aero Toy Store.”

Ben’s father Morris started the company, and has since been surprised by the need to learn a worldwide market. “I never imagined that my passion for aircraft and the spirit of the deal would include daily monitoring of the Euro, Pound, Ruble, Dirham and Rupee to name but a few;” Morris Shirazi said.

That international market has been a benefit to the US-based company, Ben explains.

“We see a very strong market due to the difference between the Euro and the US dollar and the pound and the US dollar,” he says. “We also see a strong market in the United States due to the (strong) economy in the US.”

Source: Flight Daily News