US Airways is responding to its sagging service levels by bringing in a new executive to serve as chief operating officer but faces worsening labour problems.

The Phoenix-based carrier has struggled to integrate the operations of its two predecessors, the former USAir on the east coast and America West Airlines in the west. For the first six months of the year, US Airways had the lowest on-time performance and highest number of complaints of the 20 largest airlines. DoT statistics also show US Airways ranked 14th among 20 carriers in mishandled baggage reports.

US Airways has admitted that operations at its major hub at Philadelphia have been unacceptable. Earlier this year it appointed an executive to improve the hub. In September the airline also appointed a new chief operating officer, Robert Isom, who is tasked with improving the carrier's entire system. Ex-Northwest manager Isom says he will stress on-time arrivals and departures. The airline had been without a chief operating officer for a year.

The integration of the operations of the two predecessors has in part been hobbled by difficulties in integrating the two different pilot workforces. Its pilot group in the east has protested the way the carrier plans to merge the seniority status of the two groups and says it will leave the Air Line Pilots Association to form a new union. The new group says about 2,300 of the 3,200 "east" pilots favour the new union.

Source: Airline Business