AlliedSignal's F124turbofan will power Boeing's unmanned combat air vehicle (UCAV), which is to be flight tested under a US Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency technology demonstration contract (Flight International, 31 March-6 April).

The unreheated turbofan was chosen over the Rolls-Royce Turboméca Adour to power the UCAV. The F124 is also competing against the Adour to power British Aerospace Hawks for South Africa.

The F124 will be rated at 6,300lb thrust (28kN) in the 6,800kg (15,000lb) gross-weight UCAV, says Mike Redenbaugh, vice-president of AlliedSignal Engines' military/helicopter enterprise. Boeing's air vehicle has thrust vectoring.

DARPA UCAV programme manager Dr Larry Bricklebaw says Boeing's demonstrator will be a full-scale model of an air vehicle which could enter service after 2010. First flight is due next year.

Source: Flight International