Turkey’s civil aviation administration has suspended flights by carrier Ankair because, it says, the airline is operating fewer than the minimum number of aircraft required.

Airlines in Turkey need to operate a minimum of three aircraft, and Ankair has only two following the loss of a Boeing MD-83, on lease to Atlasjet, last November.

Ankair changed its name from World Focus Airlines after the accident but did not replace the aircraft, and an attempt to add a Boeing 747-200 freighter to its fleet has run into difficulties.

Chief executive Yavuz Cizmeci claims that an Airbus A320 aircraft located in Dubai is to be introduced to the fleet next week. “We’ve made an agreement to add one A320,” he says. “Our technical department is investigating and pilots have made a test flight.”

Ankair plans to restart services once its third aircraft arrives.

Source: flightglobal.com's sister premium news site Air Transport Intelligence news

Source: Flight International