Sukhoi says Turkey's Tusas Aerospace Industries is making tentative gestures over a possible risk-sharing participation in the Superjet 100 (SSJ) programme, writes Tom Zaitsev.
Sukhoi Civil Aircraft director for strategic planning Dmitry Matsenov says Turkey is a prospective customer for the Superjet because it has a strong requirement for regional aircraft over the next decade.
"We've received certain expressions of interest from [Turkey]," he says. "In particular, Tusas Aerospace would like to gain a stake [in the SSJ programme] as a risk-sharing partner."
Talks over supplying Turkish carriers with the 75- to 100-seat SSJ, he adds, are at an "exploratory stage".
Ankara-based Tusas Aerospace is connected with several civil aircraft programmes including those of the Airbus A320 family and the Boeing 747 and 777, as well as a broad range of military projects.

Source: Flight International