TAG Farnborough's plans to almost double the number of aircraft movements at the UK's only dedicated business aviation airport - have been given fresh hope following a government decision to launch a public enquiry later this year into the expansion proposals.

A previous attempt by TAG to boost the annual ceiling from 28,000 to 50,000 movements by 2019 were dashed by local government officials late in 2009. Rushmoor Borough Council rejected the proposals on 11 November because of a possible increase in noise levels and safety concerns from residents.

"We lodged an appeal against this decision and this has now been accepted," says TAG Farnborough chief executive Brandon O'Reilly. "We hope the enquiry will begin by the beginning of the third quarter and the inspector will look at this case with a fresh pair of eyes. We think we have a strong case to get Rushmoor's decision overturned."

The TAG Aviation subsidiary is confident a final decision will be made before the start of the 2012 London Olympics, "when demand for business aircraft is expected to rise considerably".

Swiss-owned TAG Farnborough has seen business aircraft movements at Farnborough soar from 16,100 in 2003 - its first full year of operation at the site - to more than 25,500 in 2008. TAG Aviation has invested around £100 million ($148 million) upgrading the airport since it became leaseholder of the site - home to the biennial Farnborough air show - in 2001.

Source: Flight International