THE UK POLICE Department Procurement Unit is seeking an independent contractor to evaluate up to eight fixed-wing aircraft types, to enable police air-support units to determine which is best suited to their needs.

The Home Office Police Department has invited bids from potential contractors to "...undertake a comparative assessment" of the various types. The aim is to provide "...easily accessible and assimilated data on what the aircraft can actually do in comparison with each other", says Capt. Max Kenworthy, Police Aviation advisor. "We've had a very good response [from bidders]," he adds.

Among the types likely to be evaluated are four versions of the Pilatus Britten-Norman Islander - the BN2B-20 and -26, BN2T Turbine Islander and BN2T-4S Defender 4000 - along with the Reims/Cessna Caravan II, the Cessna Skymaster and the Partenavia P-68 Observer 2.

Source: Flight International