French company A‚ronix has just launched a concept to produce a four-seater version of its signature ultra-light motorised aircraft (ULM) - the Airelle.

Created in 1999 by Lionel DeMauduit and R‚my Cuvelier - whose first initials give their product its name - A‚ronix manufactures a single ULM aircraft with two unique characteristics: a 'push-pull' dual-motor system for greater safety, and a canard front stabiliser for stability.

The Airelle, introduced as a prototype at Le Bourget in 2003, has just entered the production stage. Because of its dual-motor system - crafted for safer access to danger zones - the aircraft is targeted for a variety of applications such as civil surveillance, news reporting, firefighting and border control.

The expansion project is the result of the company's desire to integrate more passenger seating, space and application capabilities into the Airelle for a more efficient ULM.

"The four-seater Airelle project is only in its conceptual stage," says A‚ronix representative Jo‡elyn Be. "However we have set a four-year development plan, by which time it should revolutionise ULM flight.

"We are excited to be working on something new and different - something never introduced before."



Source: Flight Daily News