US Airways is growing its Airbus A321 fleet after announcing a deal to acquire 15 more of the type. The carrier has placed a firm order for seven A321s and simultaneously converted eight of 30 pre-existing orders for A320 family aircraft - seven A319s and one A320 - to the larger type. The airline was the first US operator of the A321 and has 28 of the type in service, and had placed orders for another 13 before its latest commitment.

In a filing with the US Securities and Exchange Commission, US Airways says the reworked deal represents a series of amendments to Airbus purchase agreements held by the major and America West Airlines, which completed their merger in September 2005.

 us A321
© Airbus

US Airways is buying seven A321s and converting eight pre-orders

It also reveals that Airbus and America West have agreed to extend to 2008 and 2009 certain of the Phoenix-based unit's conversion and cancellation rights previously held for 15 A318s. Deliveries of the 15 extra A321s will begin in July 2008 and run until 2010.

The airline has not announced its engine selection for these aircraft. Although US Airways' Airbus A319s and A320s are powered with either IAE International Aero Engines or CFM International powerplants, the carrier's current A321s are solely powered with CFM56s.

"The expanded and accelerated order positions will either allow US Airways to replace less-efficient aircraft more quickly or allow for modest expansion should market conditions warrant," says US Airways president and chief executive Doug Parker.

Source: Flight International