The US Marine Corps has embarked on an initial search to identify a VXX replacement transport for the Sikorsky VH-3D VIP helicopter used by the US presidential flight, while simultaneously planning to upgrade its smaller VH-60N White Hawk support machines.

A mission-needs statement has been signed by the USMC Commandant and an integrated process team formed ahead of a six to eight month analysis of alternatives due to start by next March.

"We have to decide which direction we're going to go that we can get some money into the 2004 budget," says Lt Col Curt Haberbosch, USMC executive helicopter requirements coordinator.

A critical decision still to be determined is whether to opt for a helicopter-only solution or open the VXX requirement up to tiltrotors, such as the Bell Boeing V-22 Osprey now entering USMC service.

A number of rotary-wing manufacturers have already signalled their interest, including Sikorsky, promoting the S-92 Helibus, and EH Industries looking for a US military application for theEH101.

Haberbosch adds that whatever the outcome of the analysis of alternatives, "we'll not be starting from scratch - we'll need proven reliability and maturity for the mission". Preliminary planning calls for an initial operational capability by 2009 and complete replacement of the HMX-1 squadron's VH-3D by 2014.

An alternative would be a further structural life extension of the helicopters. The heavily utilised VH-3Ds are already an average of 24 years old and are undergoing a Special Progressive Aircraft Rework at Sikorsky.

The USMC is hoping for funds in 2004 to upgrade its eight VH-60 primary alert helicopters with a glass cockpit common to the US Navy's new CH-60S and rebuilt SH60R helicopters.

Source: Flight International