THE US AIR FORCE AND Navy plan to begin installing the joint helmet-mounted cueing system (J-MCS) on McDonnell Douglas (MDC) F-15s and F-18s, respectively, early next century.

MDC is to be awarded a contract early in 1997 to conduct the JHMCS competition and integrate the winning system on to the F-15 and F-18.

The USN plans to buy an initial 44 helmet mounted cueing systems in the year 2000, followed by a second batch of 44 in 2001. The USAF plans to purchase 20 systems for the F-15 in 2001. MDC's work on the F-15 will include integration of the planned AIM-9X air-to-air missile. The JHMCS will provide target cueing for the high off-bore-sight weapon.

The daylight-only JHMCS is also intended for use on Air Force Lockheed Martin F-16s and Lockheed Martin/Boeing F-22s. Likely bidders to supply the helmet-mounted cueing system include Elbit, GEC-Marconi, Honeywell and Kaiser.

Source: Flight International