Graham Warwick/ATLANTA

THE US NAVY HAS detailed prospective aircraft deliveries to Asia-Pacific nations under the US Department of Defense's foreign military sales programme. The list, produced by the Navy's International Programmes Office (IPO), includes the potential sale of McDonnell Douglas F-18D strike aircraft to Thailand.

Topping the list is South Korea, which has a potential requirement for six Northrop Grumman E-2C airborne early-warning aircraft.

Capt. Walter Bird of the IPO says, that a Korean delegation visited the USA in early August, for talks with likely competitors, Boeing (with the 767), Lockheed Martin (C-130J) and Northrop Grumman. South Korea is also scheduled to receive, an initial two, Sikorsky SH-60F naval helicopters, he says.

Thailand is listed as a potential customer for F-18Ds, as well as six remanufactured Kaman SH-2G naval helicopters, while Malaysia has a potential requirement for six SH-2Gs, plus additional F-18Ds. Bird says that Thailand was expected to issue a letter of request for the F-18Ds this month, allowing the Navy to supply price and availability data. Thailand is also evaluating the Lockheed Martin F-16, McDonnell Douglas F-15 and Dassault Mirage 2000.

Other potential customers include Taiwan, for six SH-2Gs, and Japan for an E-2C upgrade to the latest Group 2 standard. Australia is also listed.

Source: Flight International