Airbus has released interactive animation in the form of a virtual tour to demonstrate to its customers including passengers and airlines the variations in cabin concepts.

A customer of Airbus is invited to walk through one of two doors as a passenger or airline. Once inside, a range of Airbus products are on show, including the ACJ, A320, A380 and A340 families.

The passenger virtual tour comprises features such as clicking around an Airbus Corporate Jet (ACJ) to see the cabin on display and there are photos and videos to view.

The airline virtual tour includes, under the crew well-being section, a viewing of a flight crew accommodation concept on an A380, among other things.

Airbus says: "You don't have to be in the air to feel the magic. Whether you are a passenger or an Airbus customer, you choose which path suits you."

Airbus's interactive video

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