David Learmount/LONDON
A SOFTWARE product which is claimed to revolutionise the safe design of air-traffic flight procedures has been launched by a new company, Wavionix, based in Lausanne, Switzerland.
The time taken to design new air-traffic flight patterns or amend existing ones can be cut from months to hours using its Procedures Designer software, says Wavionix.
The Swiss Federal Office for Civil Aviation is one of several European authorities which already uses the software to design its procedures charts.
All officially designated flightpaths, whether en route airways, airport approach procedures, or airport standard instrument arrivals/departures, are designed according to criteria laid down in the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) Aircraft Operations manual.
Wavionix' Autocad-based software incorporates these ICAO criteria and mathematical models. This involves complex criteria and mathematical formulae for obstacle clearance, vertically and horizontally, for turn radii and all the other considerations ensuring safety and "flyability".
Source: Flight International