Ship Vulnerability Reduction/SVR 21-23 February; Advanced Infra-red Systems and Technys/AIST 26-28 February; Data Base Security/DBS 4-5 March;Battlefield Management 7-8 March; Software Risk Management/SRISK 11-13 March; Littoral Warfare/LW 20-22 March, London, UK. Contact: H Silver & Associates, Africa House, 64-78 Kingsway, London WC2B 6BD, UK; tel: +44 (171) 413 0936; fax: +44 (171) 413 0937.
International Operators Conference 26 February-1 March, Orlando, Florida, USA. Contact National Business Aircraft Association, 1200 Eighteenth Street NW, Washington DC 20036, USA; tel: +1 (202) 783 9000; fax: +1 (202) 331 8364.
Fatigue, Fracture Mechanics and Damage Tolerance Course, 4-8 March, Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK. Contact: Sam Kantimathi, Fatigue Concepts, 300 Salmon Falls Road, El Dorado Hills, California, USA; tel: +1 (916) 933 3360; fax: +1 (916) 933 3361.
Bar Coded Labelling Workshop 5 March, Cairo, Egypt. Contact: Lloyd Bartlett; tel: +1 (514) 844 3512; fax: +1 (514) 844 1819.
US Aircraft Trading Floor 5 March, Boca Raton, Florida, USA; US Regional Airlines Seminar 20-22 March, Washington DC, USA. Contact: Commercial Aviation Report, 3 Station Approach, Farningham Road, Crowborough, East Sussex TN6 2JR, UK; tel: +44 (1892) 6550066; fax: +44 (1892) 655044.
Aircraft Icing: Meteorology, Protective Systems, Instrumentation and Certification 5-8 March and 27-30 August, Lawrence, Kansas, USA. Contact: Aerospace Short Courses, The University of Kansas, Division of Continuing Education, 12600 Quivira Road, Overland Park, Kansas 66213-2402, USA; tel: +1 (913) 897 8500; fax: +1 (913) 897 8540.
Financing & Management of Build-Operate-Transfer Projects Seminar 6-8 March, Singapore. Contact: The Course Administrator, Singapore Aviation Academy, No 1 Aviation Drive, Singapore 1749; tel: +65 540 6216; fax: +65 542 9890/543 2778.
Royal Aero Club Annual Awards Ceremony 8 March, London, UK. Contact: Secretary, Royal Aero Club, Kimberley House, Vaughan Way, Leicester LE1 4SG, UK; tel: +44 (116) 253 1051; fax: +44 (116) 251 5939.
Cargo Accounts Settlement Systems Seminar 7 March, Cairo, Egypt. Contact: Martine Mira; tel: +41 (22) 799 2585; fax: +41 (22) 799 2682.
Rolls-Royce Piston Aero Engines 13 March, Victory Club 63/79 Seymour Street, London W2. Contact: London Society of Air-Britain, Orchards, Mill Lane, Balcombe, Sussex RH17 6NP, UK; tel: +44 1444 811317.
GAMTA 17th General Aviation Industry Conference: "Coming of Age" 7-8 March, London, UK. Contact: The General Aviation Manufacturers & Traders Association, 19 Church Street, Brill, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire HP18 9TG, UK; tel: +44 (1844) 238020; fax: +44 (1844) 238087.
Open Cockpit Day 10 March, Weston-super-Mare, Somerset, UK. Contact: The International Helicopter Museum, The Airport, Weston-super-Mare, NW Somerset, UK; tel: +44 (1934) 635227; fax: +44 (1934) 822400.
FIDAE '96 International Air & Space Fair 10-17 March, Santiago, Chile. Contact: FIDAE Inernational Air & Space Fair, v Pedro Aguirre Cerda 5500, Box 2176 Correo Central, Santiago 21, Chile; tel: +56 (2) 557 1002; fax: +56 (2) 557 8075.
Aviation Industry Suppliers Conference 12-13 March, Los Angeles, California, USA. Contact: Joanna Speed, Speednews, Suite 210, 1801 Avenue of the Stars, Century City, Los Angeles, California 90067-5902, USA; tel: +1 (310) 203 9603; fax: +1 (310) 203 9352; telex: 71-292674 SPNWS UR.
Source: Flight International