A low-tech concept with a high-tech twist - a new airborne camera from Singapore Technologies Kinetics is on display at the Singapore Pavilion in Hall A.

Described as a “camera round”, the unit is designed to help soldiers simply carry out reconnaissance of an area.
The same size and shape as a standard 40mm grenade round, the camera is fired from any standard, unmodified low velocity grenade launcher over the area that needs to be scouted – at around 490ft (150m) above the ground, it deploys a parachute and glides to the ground.

During its descent, the camera captures images of the terrain below and transmits them wirelessly to a soldier’s palmtop or computer, giving him a quick bird’s eye view of terrain, building positions or enemy deployment.

Known as the 40mm SPARCS (soldier parachute aerial reconnaissance camera system), the camera round requires no maintenance, training to use or specialised equipment.”

Source: Flight Daily News
