All articles by Airline Business – Page 6
OPINION: Why Airbus is wrestling with its 'A380neo' decision
With re-engining central to four successful airframe-refresh programmes, one could be forgiven for wondering why Airbus is wrestling with its decision about whether to update its flagship product.
OPINION: Walsh all set to steer IAG to next opportunities
While the US legacy triumvirate have been making headlines about unfair competition from the Gulf carriers, Europe's leading airline group, IAG, has become part-owned by one of them.
OPINION: Lessons from BA can guide Alitalia comeback
The transformation of British Airways three decades ago from bloated, loss-making industry joke to benchmark network carrier is a seen as the definitive case study in managing a business turnaround.
Top 100 - Aerospace and Defence: Gaining technological advantage
The Aerospace and Defence (A&D) industry has been the source of some of the most influential technological advances in modern history - computers and computer networking, satellites and satellite navigation, and important advances in physics - all have their roots in the sector's research.
World Airline Rankings 2008
This year's Airline Business World Airline Rankings show a sharp turnaround from 2007, which was on of the industry's best years in recent memory. By contrast, 2008 will be remembered as a year of steep decline and record losses.
Steve Ridgway vs Willie Walsh
British Airways shouldn't be allowed to gang up with American Airlines - it's big enough already on London Heathrow-US routes and it shouldn't be given any...
Digging up weeds
While no one wants a return to $150-a-barrel oil, the strong are relishing what a combination of high fuel prices and falling demand will do to market competition,...
Executive Appointments
Continental has added chief operating officer responsibilities to president Jeff Smisek, with chief executive Larry Kellner assuming responsibility...
Is loyalty a luxury?
Even in times of harsh cost pressure, airlines are well advised to continue to invest in gaining the loyalty of their best customers, argues Ravindra Bhagwanani,...