Over 200 guests from around the world gathered in the spectacular setting of Lincoln's Inn in London on 15th July to witness the presentation of the 2007 Airline Strategy Awards

  1. Norman Mineta, former US Transportation Secretary (left), was the Airline Business Award winner for his lifelong contribution to leadership in the air transport industry, pictured with editor Mark Pilling
  2. KLM chief executive Leo van Wijk accepted the Executive Leadership Award on behalf of himself and co-winner Air France chairman Jean-Cyril Spinetta.
  3. Samer Majali, the chief executive of Royal Jordanian Airlines, accepted the Technology award on behalf of his carrier.
  4. John Kirby (right), director strategic planning and scheduling at AirTran Airways accepted the Regional & Low-cost Leadership Award on behalf of his boss Joe Leonard from Unisys Global Transportation head Olivier Houri.
  5. Jetstar's group general manager operations Gerry Turner (right) collected the award in the Operations category from Erich Franken, head of global client group at American Express.
  6. Wilson Yong, regional marketing manager Europe for Singapore Airlines, accepts the airline's award in the Marketing category.
  7. Cathay Pacific's director of sales and marketing James Barrington (centre) collected the airline's Finance award from UATP's Kimell Garland (left).

Strategy Awards 2007

Source: Airline Business