Alenia Marconi Systems has signed a £7 million-plus ($11 million) deal to supply a Full Mission Trainer (FMT) to Racal Defence Electronics.

It will be used to provide AEW Observer training to the Royal Navy, which is upgrading its fleet of Westland Sea King AEW Mk2 helicopters with a new mission system.

The upgrade on which Racal is prime contractor includes Racal Searchwater 2000 radar, JTIDS data link systems and Observer consoles. The FMT will integrate a scenario generation capability, instructor operation system, radar simulation and JTIDS simulation systems.

It will be delivered to the Royal Navy at RNAS Culdrose between February and October 2001.

Alenia Marconi also announced at the show, the formation of a Striker team with Boeing and Hunter Engineering to compete for the UK Ministry of Defence (MoD) unguided bomb enhancement programme.

The MoD wants a low-cost improvement to the accuracy of unguided bombs in place by 2004.

Source: Flight Daily News