Two Gazprom-operated Yamal 200 telecommunications satellites launched by a Proton II booster on 23 November are the first Russian satellites carrying an Italian-produced payload. Alenia Spazio is the supplier of Yamal 200's telecommunications antennas, telemetry and remote command equipment as part of a $17 million contract.

The Italian company, part of Finmeccanica, is expanding its co-operation agreements with several Russian companies and agencies operating in the space sector.

During the visit by Russian president Vladimir Putin to Italy early in November, Alenia Spazio signed an agreement with Russian state space telecommunications agency RSCC to participate in the design, development, integration and testing of the payload for the four new-generation small telecommunications satellites of the Express MD type, due to be launched by 2005.

Meanwhile, Alenia Spazio has reached agreement with Russian companies Khrunichev and Energia to jointly participate in the European Space Agency's Automatic Transfer Vehicle (ATV) programme for the International Space Station. Alenia Spazio and Energia will deliver in 2004 the prototypes of the ATV's docking and refuelling system.

Source: Flight International
