All Engines news – Page 526

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    Survival of the fastest ?


    Ramon Lopez/WASHINGTON DC Airline industry analysts are "unabashedly bullish" over the future of regional jet aircraft, which are expected to produce fundamental changes in the airline business over the next five years. Merrill Lynch's Byron Callan says that 32- to 70-seat regional jets comprise "the most rapidly growing market segment" ...

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    Continental vindication


    Graham Warwick/WASHINGTON DC Continental Express' order for 25 firm plus 50 option 37-seat ERJ-135s validates Embraer's decision to derive a family of regional jets following the successful introduction of the 50-seat ERJ-145. The Brazilian manufacturer hopes that other airlines will be attracted by the "substantial" savings in training, maintenance and ...

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    Airborne 767 freighter set for certification


    Flight Structures (FSI) and Timco expect the Boeing 767-200 cargo modification developed for Airborne Express to receive its supplemental type certificate (STC) from the US Federal Aviation Administration within the next two months. According to Michael Hugill, president of Seattle-based FSI, the modification of the first 767, one of ...

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    Brazilian work-out


    Max Kingsley-Jones/ISLE OF MAN Julian Moxon/NANTES Guy Norris/LOS ANGELES Embraer spent a long time bringing its 50-seat RJ-145 to the marketplace. It was almost a full eight years from the original EMB-145 programme launch in June 1989 to service entry with launch customer Continental Express in April 1997, with the ...

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    CFMI uses BOLD


    CFM International (CFMI) claims to be the first engine manufacturer to use the Boeing On Line Data (BOLD) service. The GE/ Snecma joint venture will place on line later this year an engine manual, parts catalogue and service bulletins for the CFM56-7 engine. Source: Flight International

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    Air Maroc first


    Honeywell/Trimble has been awarded a supplementary type certificate for its HT9100 navigation management system for the Boeing 737 "classic" by the US Federal Aviation Administration. A Royal Air Maroc 737-200 was used for the certification of the system, which will allow such aircraft to operate using basic area navigation, allowing ...

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    Airtours expands Airbus narrowbodied fleet


    Airtours has introduced the first of two Airbus A321-200s which it will operate alongside its fleet of 10 smaller A320s on European charters from Manchester and Gatwick. The airline, which had a minor accident with its first A321 on the day of introduction (29 April) when it suffered a tyre ...

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    -International Aero Engines (IAE) has confirmed that it has won a $2.3 billion engine order from TACA, LanChile and TAM Brazil to power the 88 aircraft under firm order and 87 on option for the Airbus A320 family. TACA has orders and options for 60 aircraft, LanChile for 40 and ...

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    Rolls-Royce standardises on hybrid RB211 after entry success


    Rolls-Royce is to discontinue production of older versions of its RB211-524G/H engine after successful service entry of the first of its new hybrid versions, the RB211-524HT, last month. The hybrid engine upon which Rolls-Royce will "standardise" has the same core as the Trent 700, the company's powerplant for the ...

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    Czech Government allows Ayres to have Let


    US agricultural and cargo aircraft builder Ayres is set to purchase Czech manufacturer Let Kunovice after agreeing terms with the Government in Prague. A deal is due to be signed by the end of May. Ayres is expected to take a 93% stake in the Aero Holdings-owned company. Fred Ayres, ...

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    Maintenance Directory


    Ian Sheppard/London Despite its current economic troubles, Asia looks set to continue to attract the attention of airframe and engine maintenance providers anxious to cash in on a region that will continue to be a pace setter in the dash for global air transport growth over the next few ...

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    Supplier News May 1998


    Gulf Air has signed a $165 million 10-year deal for Sabre to take over its IT functions. Sita has won a US$160 million seven-year contract with Air France to support all its voice and data communications. Boeing's 737-800 now has US Federal Aviation Administration type certification, and the ...

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    FedEx MD-11 fleet swells to 60 after Swissair and LTU deals


    Ramon Lopez/WASHINGTON DC FedEx is raising its reliance on the Boeing MD-11 freighter, with a decision to almost double its planned fleet of MD-11Fs to 60 through deals for more new and secondhand aircraft. The US parcels carrier, which now operates 20 MD-11Fs, last week disclosed that it ...

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    -Olympic has added its second Boeing 737-300, an ex-Western Pacific aircraft on lease from Boullioun Aviation Services. -Northwest Airlines has concluded a deal with Fortis Aviation's Alliance AirInvest to acquire three ex-Thai International McDonnell Douglas DC-10-30ERs. The three aircraft have been delivered and will enter service later this year after ...

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    More room on top


    Max Kingsley-Jones/LONDON On 24 October 1997, Airbus Industrie retired the last Boeing Super Guppy from service, bringing to an end some 26 years of the outsized cargo turboprop's operations ferrying subassemblies between the consortium's European plants. At its peak, the fleet of converted Boeing 377s/C-97s totalled four aircraft, but in ...

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    Boeing admits delay to first of 717


    Boeing has confirmed that the first flight of its 717-200 will be delayed by the discovery of compressor blade cracks in the BMW Rolls-Royce BR715 engine. The roll-out has been pushed back from May to 10 June, but a new date for the first flight, originally in June, has ...

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    SIA closes on A340-500 order, setting back rival 777 launch


    Paul Lewis/SINGAPORE Airbus Industrie is closing on a major A340-500 sale to Singapore Airlines (SIA), which threatens to deliver a further blow to Boeing efforts to secure critical launch customers for the rival ultra long haul 777-200X derivative. According to airline sources, the Rolls-Royce Trent 500-powered A340-500 has ...

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    Rolls Royce In Israel


    Rolls-Royce is forming a joint venture with Israeli company Blades Technologies which will see the setting up of two $40 million manufacturing plants for compressor blades. Initial production is due to start in Israel in October, with a second Scottish site opening in late 1999. Blades Technologies is owned jointly ...

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    -US cargo carrier Atlas Air has signed a long term contract to operate Boeing 747-200 freighter services for Alitalia, with an ex-Philippine Airlines 747-200F being converted by Boeing. -Stansted, UK based AB Airlines has leased two ex-Jet Airways Boeing 737-300s from Ansett Worldwide Aviation Services (AWAS). -Air Malta has concluded ...

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    United wraps up with widebodies purchase


    United Airlines has completed its latest round of airliner shopping, with a deal for 23 more Boeing widebodies, worth an estimated $3 billion. The deal, which follows an agreement concluded last month with Airbus for 30 more A320-family aircraft, is the third stage in a four part fleet growth ...