All Engines news – Page 596

  • News

    Powered Texas JSOW flight-tested


    THE POWERED VARIANT OF Texas Instruments' Joint Stand-Off Weapon (JSOW) has had its first free-flight test. The JSOW, which is being offered to meet the Pentagon's Joint Air-to-Surface Stand-off Missile and the UK's conventionally armed stand-off missile, is powered by the Williams WJ-24 engine previously used in target drones. ...

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    CFM goes for out-of-the-box ETOPS


    CFM INTERNATIONAL is to apply for clearance for extended-range twinjet operations (ETOPS) at entry into service for the CFM56-7B on the next-generation Boeing 737 series. CFMI and Boeing hope that the move may entice long-range scheduled and charter operators to place earlier orders and expects strong interest in ...

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    Vnukovo completes privatisation


    Paul Duffy/MOSCOW VNUKOVO AIRLINES has become the first of Russia's state-owned carriers to complete its privatisation, with the sale of a 41% stake to a Russian investment company for $150 million. The holding was purchased by VIL, a little-known Russian trading company, after the privatisation auction ...

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    Engine makers fight for stretched A340


    Gilbert Sedbon/PARIS CFM INTERNATIONAL partners Snecma and General Electric, and rival Pratt & Whitney, are engaged in a battle to secure an exclusive position as powerplant supplier for the planned stretched version of the Airbus Industrie A340. The US/French partnership pressed its case in St Petersburg, ...

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    BA 777 delivery hopes raised


    Guy Norris/LOS ANGELES CERTIFICATION testing of the General Electric GE90-powered Boeing 777 is expected to be completed around 7 November, boosting hopes that the delayed first delivery to British Airways could be made by 15 November. Boeing has been conducting virtual round-the-clock flight tests of WA077, ...

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    Boeing triumphs in S African contest


    BOEING HAS EMERGED as the winner of the South African Airways (SAA) aircraft competition with an order for seven 777-200s and two extra 747-400s. Engines have yet to be selected, says SAA, but the airline has asked for proposals from General Electric, Pratt & Whitney and Rolls-Royce, with ...

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    E&S buys into the training-device market with Xionix


    VISUAL-SYSTEM Supplier Evans & Sutherland (E&S) have acquired training-device manufacturer Xionix Simulation in a move to expand its airline-training business. Dallas, Texas-based Xionix will be operated as a separate unit within E&S' commercial-simulation business. Salt Lake City, Utah-based E&S says that growing airline demand for visual-equipped ...

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    Japan to develop XF3-400 engine


    THE JAPAN DEFENCE Agency's Technical Research & Development Institute (TRDI) is to launch full development of the XF3-400 fighter engine in 1996. Funding for the programme is part of the fiscal year 1996 budget request of '166.3 billion ($1.66 billion). TRDI's projected budget includes an initial '5.7 billion ...

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    Saudis finally sign for 61 airliners


    SAUDI ARABIA has signed a $6 billion deal to buy 61 US-built airliners on 26 October, but details of financing have yet to be revealed. The order, to re-equip state-owned Saudi Arabian Airlines, consists of 23 Boeing 777-200s and five 747-400s, worth around $4 billion, plus 29 McDonnell Douglas (MDC) ...

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    Profit share: a stroke of genius


    Singapore Airlines' chairman J Y Pillay has absolutely no doubt that in an unforgiving airline industry, survival rests on the continuing struggle to improve productivity and keep ahead of costs. And there can be little doubt that Pillay's message is getting through at an airline which consistently turns in some ...

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    More power to the unions


    United Parcel Service faces the prospect of dealing with stronger unions that rival Federal Express, following a ruling that the Kentucky-based express freight company is covered by laws favouring unions. Unless reversed on appeal, UPS will be subject to the general US law that protects union rights to ...

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    Latest Galileo failure threatens the Cassini


    Tim Furniss/WASHINGTON DC A FAULTY TAPE recorder aboard NASA's $1.4 billion Galileo spacecraft could prevent much of its data and images being returned from the planet Jupiter this December, after its protracted six-year journey across the solar system. Should it prove impossible to correct the ...

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    FAA expected to issue AD for CF6


    AN AIRWORTHINESS directive (AD) to inspect the high-pressure spool of General Electric CF6 engines is expected to be issued by the US Federal Aviation Administration following recent engine failures on an Egyptair Airbus A300 and a Thai International Airways McDonnell Douglas DC-10. The AD follows recommendations by the ...

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    UPS expects instant ETOPS for 767


    Guy Norris/LOUISVILLE UPS Airlines has "tentative approval" from the US Federal Aviation Administration for instant 180min extended-range twinjet operations (ETOPS) with its new General Electric CF6-80C2-powered Boeing 767-300ER freighter. If approved, the UPS 767 will become the second twinjet after the United Airlines 777-200 to ...

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    SIA shifts 'Y-aircraft' goalposts


    SINGAPORE AIRLINES (SIA) has changed the requirements for its "Y-aircraft" competition and increased the number of aircraft required, to cover a wider range of weight and size options. Rival airframe and engine manufacturers have all resubmitted their tenders to meet SIA's new requirement for a larger family of ...

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    Exim Bank 'will finance Il-96s'


    THE US EXPORT-Import (Exim) Bank was expected to announce on 20 October that it is prepared to help finance the purchase of Westernised Ilyushin Il-96s by Aeroflot-Russian International Airlines (ARIA). Russian economics minister Yevgeniy Yasin says, that Exim support for the $1 billion purchase of 20 Il-96M/Ts " ...

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    Walter hit by Fould's death


    CZECH ENGINE manufacturer Walter faces an uncertain future following the death of Emilian Fould, the entreprenuer who took control of the company in March, but had still not paid for the acquisition. Fould was found shot dead in Prague on 3 October, although news of the violent death ...

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    Boeing/GE propose new icing test waiver on GE90


    BOEING AND GENERAL Electric are proposing a revised plan to test the effectiveness of modified acoustic panels on the GE90 engine which suffered ice-impact damage during a crucial natural-icing flight-test on 9 October. The icing test is the last significant hurdle to be overcome before the GE90-powered 777 ...

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    A dying breed


    VALUJET EFFECTIVELY (and finally) launched the McDonnell Douglas (MDC) MD-95 on 19 October, with an order for 50. The deal will be seen by some as the launch of the last of the old-style regional jets, but its pricing appears to be all too modern. Either way, ValuJet's order will ...

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    QNC's route to Stage 3


    Quiet Nacelle's (QNC's) earlier JT3D Stage 2 hushkit for 707-100s and OC-135Bs forms the basis of its Stage 3 upgrade package. To achieve Stage 3 compliance, an inner acoustic ring is located co-axially within the engine intake. The inner ring will be fully anti-iced and certificated for bird strikes. Additional ...