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  • News

    Investors emerge for Ansett New Zealand


    News Corporation's efforts to sell Ansett New Zealand may have better luck with a new group of New Zealand investors than it has had over the past 12 years with Qantas Airways. News Corp and Qantas were unable to agree on a price, and there is no assurance the ...

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    In Brief


    Asiana offer Asiana Airlines expects to raise 375 billion won ($325 million) through an initial public offering of 50 million shares. Shares were made available early in December ahead of a listing on South Korea's secondary Kosdaq share market at the end of the month. Public and institutional investors ...

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    Chicago revisited


    KAREN WALKER CHICAGO Transport ministers from around the world joined airline and industry chiefs in Chicago in December to discuss how to shed the bilateralism legacy of the historic 1944 Chicago Convention and also move beyond the current open skies regime to multilateralism. US Transportation Secretary Rodney Slater lost few ...

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    Star wins battle over Canadian future


    DAVID KNIBB SEATTLE Star Alliance has won the battle with oneworld for control of Canadian Airlines. Under a deal hammered out between American Airlines parent AMR and Air Canada, American will retain certain codeshare rights, but Canadian will effectively withdraw from oneworld. This ends a five-month see-saw battle in ...

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    Catering - serving in the fast lane


    Fast food may not be on the in-flight menu, but as consolidation takes hold of the airline catering business, speed appears to be of the essence. Last year saw a flurry of activity in the in-flight catering industry, including a host of joint ventures and two major acquisition deals. ...

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    A private concern


    JANE LEVERE NEW YORK Calls for privatisation of the US air traffic control system are escalating, as delays continue to worsen. The battle lines are drawn in the debate over US air traffic control (ATC) privatisation. On the one side are the heads of most major airlines, industry observers ...

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    Mexico's smaller players struggle to compete


    DAVID KNIBB SEATTLE Mexico's third and fourth largest airlines have both experienced problems that harm their ability to compete against the duopoly of Aeromexico and Mexicana. Taesa, Mexico's number three carrier, remains grounded for safety reasons following a fatal crash on 9 November. Mexico's communications and transport ministry says inspectors ...

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    In Brief


    Steeper downturn predicted The US Aerospace Industries Association (AIA) is predicting a worse downturn in sales of US civil aircraft in 2000 than had been expected. In his annual year-end review and forecast, AIA president John Douglass said sales of US civil aircraft, including engines and parts, are expected ...

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    The new leaders in handling


    Ground handling is developing a higher profile in the industry, attracting a new style of leadership. Analysis is by Michael Bell, who leads the global aviation practice at executive search consultants Spencer Stuart.Recent years have seen the emergence of ground handling as an industry in its own right, and there ...

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    In Brief


    US-Italy open skies The US Department of Transportation (D0T) has approved Alitalia's tripartite alliance with KLM and Northwest, paving the way to the signing of a fully fledged open skies bilateral between Italy and the USA. The two countries partially liberalised air traffic last year. Alitalia-Northwest will codeshare on ...

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    Business as usual as Macau is returned to China


    DAVID KNIBB SEATTLE Two and a half years after the UK handed back Hong Kong to China, it was Portugual's turn on 20 December to return a South-East Asian colony, when China resumed rule of Macau. Like Hong Kong, Macau will remain a special administrative region of China for ...

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    Japan to redistribute slots


    NICHOLAS IONIDES ATI/TOKYO Japan's "big three" carriers could be in for a further wave of competition, as the Japanese Ministry of Transport (MoT) studies a controversial plan that would see slots stripped from them at congested airports and handed over to new operators. A senior member of the MoT's strategic ...

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    Clearing the air


    With its Beyond Open Skies ministerial meeting in Chicago, the USA has finally brought the debate about bilaterals out into the open. From now on, the issue will not be easy to force back into the shadows. It is all too easy to be cynical about what happened at ...

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    New Beginning


    GÜNTER ENDRES ATHENS With the belated opening up of the Greek market, a clutch of independent operators is starting to mount a serious challenge to flag carrier Olympic Airways Until 1998, Greece had been virtually untouched by the European liberalisation process. Apart from a partial deregulation in 1991, which permitted ...

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    Airports and airlines join forces over ATC delays


    GÜNTER ENDRES LONDON The Airports Council International Europe (ACI Europe) and the Association of European Airlines (AEA) have agreed to fight the growing problem of flight delays in Europe, targeting air traffic control (ATC) in particular. The joint resolution comes after the International Air Transport Association (IATA) put forward its ...

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    EC vows to clamp down on noise and emissions


    ALAN GEORGE BRUSSELS The European Commission (EC) has restated its determination to introduce stricter international standards for aircraft noise and emissions, with or without international agreement. In a policy document on the environment adopted in early December, the EC Transport Directorate "seeks to reconcile competitiveness in the air transport ...

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    War with no winners


    HORMUZ MAMA BOMBAY With the high season in full swing, India's domestic airlines may be wondering whether last year's cut-throat fare war was really worth it. Indian Airlines, Jet Airways and Sahara Airlines co-existed peacefully until India's economic woes caused traffic to plummet last year. Following a rapid rise ...

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    A sense of balance


    CHRIS TARRY COMMERZBANK IN LONDON The traffic forecasting model developed by Commerzbank and Airline Business highlights the extent to which capacity ran ahead of demand in 1999. But the coming year could bring markets back to balance. If further evidence was needed over the pain that excess seat capacity can ...

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    Iberia sells Binter to local consortium


    BARRY CROSS LONDON Parent state holding company SEPI has given Iberia approval to sell regional subsidiary Binter Canarias to a consortium of local businessmen. The price of Ptas5.5 billion ($35 million), plus Ptas800 million in dividends - the equivalent of 65% of the 1998 profit - is just ...

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    Yangon to Macao Myanmar Airways International has started operating charter services to Macau from Yangon using a leased Boeing 737-400. Macau airport operator CAM says the service began on 27 November and approvals have been secured for 10 flights through to next February. ANA expands to Honolulu ...