All news – Page 6370

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    Burning issues


    A new report challenges aviation's complacency about the long-term effect it may have on the atmosphere Julian Moxon/PARIS Look at the sky on a clear day and you are likely to see contrails produced by high-flying aircraft, their criss-cross patterns melting slowly to form light, wispy cirrus-type clouds before they ...

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    Out on a wing


    NASA is set to turn an experimental project into full-scale scientific and commercial work Guy Norris/LOS ANGELESAs shopping expeditions go, visiting NASA's display of Environmental Research Aircraft and Sensor Technology (ERAST) project aircraft on 13 October has to rank as one of the strangest. On show, under the appropriate banner ...

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    Silence please


    As stringent Stage IV noise limits loom, US aerospace engineers are studying how far noise reduction is technologically and economically possible Guy Norris/LOS ANGELESWhile the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) moves relentlessly towards an undefined Stage IV noise limit for airliner operations in the 21st century, the industry is hard ...

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    First Ikonos images released


    Space Imaging, the commercial high-resolution remote-sensing satellite imaging company, has released the first black and white panchromatic images taken by the Lockheed Martin-built Ikonos satellite which was launched on 21 September. The picture shows Washington National Airport. The company expects to start selling 1m-resolution black and white, or 4m-resolution colour ...

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    EADS deal clears Airbus reorganisation logjam


    The most important immediate effect of the formation of EADS may be to fully unblock the Airbus logjam. With 80% of the consortium in the hands of one entity, the path to the creation of a single corporate entity (SCE) through one more bilateral involving British Aerospace seems clear. ...

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    Boeing recovery


    Boeing's continued production recovery boosted the company's third-quarter performance, with operating earnings soaring to $501 million in its commercial aircraft business, compared with a loss of $142 million for the same period last year. Chairman Phil Condit says an that improved Asian economy will allow the company to maintain 747 ...

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    SIA gets set to join Star Alliance


    Jens Flottau/TOKYO Singapore Airlines (SIA) is to join the Star Alliance by the start of the second quarter of next year after an on-off saga in which the Asian giant seemed to distance itself from the group after clashing with Star member Air New Zealand over ownership of Ansett Australia. ...

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    Levitation kick-start could cut costs


    NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center and PRT Advanced Maglev System have built a track to test whether a rocket-powered spacecraft could be given a low-cost, high speed kick-start into the atmosphere before the craft's engines are ignited. The 15m (50ft)-long development is an electrically powered advanced linear induction motor-powered magnetic ...

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    NASA denies Mars Polar science loss


    Tim Furniss/LONDON The Mars Polar Lander (MPL) will not lose its science-gathering capability as a result of the loss of the Mars Climate Orbiter on 23 September, says NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory. The MPL is set to land on the edge of the Martian south pole on 6 December. ...

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    Sea Launch inaugurates commercial programme


    The Sea Launch company has completed its first commercial satellite launch mission. The Boeing-led US/Russian/ Ukrainian/Norwegian consortium fired a Zenit 3SL booster from the Odyssey offshore platform in the mid-Pacific Ocean from 0íN, 154íW on 9 October, carrying the Hughes-built DirecTV 1R communications satellite. The craft reached geostationary orbit about ...

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    Saab 2000 hits hangar


    A two-year-old SAS Commuter Saab 2000 ploughed into a hangar at Stockholm Arlanda Airport on 8 October while being taxied by two mechanics. The Saab-owned aircraft came to rest halfway through the hangar door, suffering extensive damage to its nose, wing leading edge and engine nacelles, and may be beyond ...

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    Sponsors sign up for 2000 Industry Awards


    Ten of the world's leading aerospace companies have signed as sponsors for the 2000 Aerospace Industry Awards organised by Flight International. Airbus Industrie, Asian Aerospace, Bombardier Aerospace, CFM International, Lockheed Martin, Marconi Electronic Systems, Rockwell Collins, Sextant Avionique, Smiths Industries and TRW Aeronautical Systems Lucas Aerospace have committed to supporting ...

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    Fairchild support


    Fairchild Aerospace and Garrett Aviation Services have formed a completion and support partnership for Envoy business jets. Under the agreement, Garrett will become the completion integrator for Envoy 3 and Envoy 7 aircraft, and will provide support after delivery. Source: Flight International

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    Companies sound out Congress for supersonic project funding


    Graham Warwick/WASHINGTON DC Gulfstream and Lockheed Martin hope to receive US Government funding for a quiet supersonic aircraft technology (QSAT) demonstration as a precursor to the development of a supersonic business jet (SBJ). The companies are waiting to hear whether Congress has allocated up to $20 million from ...

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    Falcon 50 engine retrofit firms up


    AlliedSignal has signed an agreement with Dassault covering the retrofit of TFE731-40 turbofans to Falcon 50s, as Garrett Aviation Services nears completion of the first re-engining at its Springfield, Illinois site. The -40s replace the original TFE731-3 engines, and produce 24% more cruise thrust, as well as a reducing ...

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    AlliedSignal launches new safety avionics


    AlliedSignal has unveiled a line of safety avionics for business and general aviation aircraft. The Integrated Hazard Avoidance Systems (IHAS) combine position, weather, traffic and terrain information on a multi-function display. "We are bringing air transport safety technologies to business and general aviation-perhaps the market segment that needs it the ...

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    Boeing accelerates launch of BBJ 2


    Boeing is bringing forward plans to launch the stretched Boeing Business Jet (BBJ 2), following strong customer interest which could lead to as many as five new sales by the end of this year. Although Boeing outlined plans for a larger BBJ based on the stretched 737-800 late last ...

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    GV enhanced vision nears certification


    Gulfstream hopes to achieve certification of the enhanced vision system (EVS) for the GV as early as December, with first deliveries of the product planned for next year. The EVS integrates a Kollsman forward-looking infrared imaging system with a Honeywell/Marconi head-up display to give pilots clear imagery in poor ...

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    Fractional boom continues


    The fractional ownership market has witnessed unprecedented growth since its introduction 13 years ago, according to data released by US research firm, Aviation Data (AvData). Since 1986, the fractional fleet and customer base has rocketed by more than 4,500% from seven aircraft and four customers to 329 aircraft and 1,567 ...

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    Galaxy studies growth options


    Galaxy Aerospace surprised NBAA attendees by showing interest in a supersonic business jet. It also announced plans for an official customer survey as a prelude to studies of potential new Galaxy derivatives in the large- and medium-sized markets. President Brian Barents says: "We are asking ourselves if we ought to ...