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    Recovery route


    NICHOLAS IONIDES MELBOURNE Ansett's chief executive has made a running start at turning the airline's finances around and inserting it into a global alliance. But there is still plenty of work to do. "When I arrived at Ansett we had what I have described as a Noah's ...

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    A question of scale


    KEVIN O'TOOLE Conventional wisdom has held back outsourcing of heavy maintenance, but as it starts to be challenged, only as few as a dozen airlines may emerge able to justify keeping work captive, argues IPG Consulting. On paper the equation looks perfect. On one side, airline boardrooms are keen ...

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    Probing the costs


    JACK SELLSBY LONDON IATA's upgraded maintenance accounting system offers cost transparency and gives participating airlines the best chance yet to benchmark globally Establishing the true cost of maintenance has never been a straightforward affair, even within the most sophisticated of airlines. Attempts to make meaningful comparisons between different ...

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    Uneasy alliances


    The global alliances have often looked more like mutually-beneficial truces between competitors than genuine joint . The Austrian Airlines move to Star seems to confirm that partners still value their independence. News that Austrian Airlines had chosen to forego its long-term partners for the bright lights of Star has ...

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    Is Asia close to a turning point?


    Asia's economic woes authored much of the over-capacity appearing on the North Atlantic. Chris Tarry of Commerzbank looks for sings of recovery Over the last few months much attention has been focussed on the current blood bath taking place on the North Atlantic. The conclusion very early on from ...

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    EC shifts competition scrutiny to European alliances


    ALAN GEORGE BRUSSELS After a lengthy period spent focusing on European-US aviation alliances, the European Commission's competition authorities plan to devote more effort to intra-European alliances. The intra-EU focus follows the EC's setting of conditions on the recent Alitalia/KLM alliance. The Commission ruled that the airlines should reduce frequencies ...

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    UK cargo carriers pin hopes on Europe


    PETER CONWAY LONDON UK cargo airlines angry at a controversial government decision that grants new rights to US operators, hope to generate the consensus needed by the European Commission to negotiate broader cargo rights with the USA. In August, the UK Government granted fifth freedom rights out of ...

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    Singapore Airlines joins call for US-UK open skies


    LOIS JONES LONDON UK-USopen skies talks remain in gridlock, with no sign of progress this side of the Millennium. But more players are joining the queue to offer transatlantic services and increase pressure for an open skies agreement. Singapore Airlines is the latest airline to apply pressure on the ...

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    Privatisation the second time around?


    PETER BENNETT VIENNA After decades in state ownership, privatisation could finally be on the cards for eastern Europe's airlines. Eastern European airlines, dogged by government procrastination, bureaucracy and stalled privatisation plans, may be about to see a change in their fortunes. Privatising the region's carriers has been ...

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    Ansett reverses fortunes


    NICK IONIDES ATI SINGAPORE Australia's once-troubled second carrier Ansett has reported strong year end earnings, but observers say that its turnaround has raised the stakes in a battle surrounding its ownership. Early in September Ansett reported a fourfold increase in both net and operating profit for its 1998/9 ...

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    Egypt turnsback El Al


    BARRY CHAMISH TEL AVIV A row has erupted after three Israeli commercial aircraft - two charter jets en route to Kenya and an El Al flight to Bangkok, were refused entry into Egyptian air space in late August. Israeli foreign ministry spokesman Akiva Tor has reacted angrily and says that ...

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    Low-cost survivors


    CAROLE SHIFRIN WASHINGTON DC After years of uncertain and even disastrous performances by new entrant carriers in the USA, some seem to be thriving and even beginning to report profits. Why did these start-ups survive where so many failed? Accepted wisdom in the USA is that the fate ...

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    European carriers to get no relief


    European carriers are still suffering from declining yields and it could be some time before there is any good news. The damage of the weak market conditions is finally showing through in Europe. Results for the last quarter and half year ending June put them hard and cold ...

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    Bright quarter for US low-costs


    Second quarter results for both US regionals and independents paint a generally bright picture with demand high for low-cost flights and regional jet service. Some regional carriers warn that their business is seasonal and second half results may not be as bright. But most airlines seem to be maintaining a ...

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    Airport Marketing Awards


    CATEGORY: Regional GOLD AWARD: Southampton International ,UK ACHIEVEMENT: Building and sustaining business traffic through developing links with key customers, media and staff. Southampton Airport, in common with many of Europe's regional airports, is focused on building business traffic and has already established itself in that role ...

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    Breaking up


    Breaking up is never easy - just ask Swissair and Austrian Airlines. The pair had been locked into a close relationship since 1990, but, last week, their love affair ended when Austrian packed its bags and walked out on the Qualiflyer group, having been won over by the rival charms ...

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    Fairchild in hunt for investors after bond offer is scrapped


    Paul Lewis/WASHINGTON DCFairchild Aerospace's owners have embarked on an urgent search for new equity investors to underwrite continued development of the 728JET series and 428JET regional aircraft programmes after having to abandon a planned bond offer. Chairman Carl Albert is believed to be negotiating with banks and financiers seeking to ...

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    UK airline group to bid for NATS


    David Learmount/LONDON A group of nine UK airlines is preparing to bid for 49% of the country's National Air Traffic Services (NATS) when it is sold by the government in the next two years. The nine, collectively known as Airline Group, say that, as NATS' major users, it is in ...

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    NATO makes a noise over Sentry re-engining deliveries


    The NATO airborne early warning force (NAEWF) is expected finally to release a request for proposals (RFP) in October to re-engine its Boeing E-3A Sentrys ahead of the introduction of Stage 3 noise restrictions in Europe. The NAEWF operates 18 E-3As powered by Pratt & Whitney TF33-100 turbofans. The RFP ...