All news – Page 6413

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    Fairchild seeks partners to meet 728JET development costs


    Jens Flottau/MUNICH US business aircraft manufacturers are among the targets of Fairchild Aerospace as it urgently seeks partners to help it secure additional funding to cover the $1 billion development costs of its new 728JET regional jet family. The company has indicated it is in talks with US ...

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    South Africa may delay Gripen or Hawk order


    South Africa is considering delaying a pending order for either Saab/British Aerospace Gripen fighters or BAe Hawk lead-in fighter trainers, as it struggles to fund a planned R30 billion ($4.9 billion) defence modernisation programme. The proposed R10.9 billion order for 28 Gripen fighters is the most expensive procurement contained ...

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    KLM-Continental row hits Wings alliance


    Chris Jasper/LONDON The planned launch of the so-called Wings alliance is in doubt after a disagreement between Dutch flag carrier KLM and Continental Airlines of the USA - two of the four major airlines that had been expected to launch the grouping this year. Sources close to the pair ...

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    Strategic stretch


    More than a long-range niche filler, Boeing's 767-400ER promises to bring new life to the entire big twin family Guy Norris/LOS ANGELES Boeing's big twinjet strategy takes another important step forward on 26 August when the 767-400ER is officially rolled out of the company's Everett assembly site in ...

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    Brazil denial


    Brazil's four largest airlines have dismissed reports that they may merge into just two carriers. Varig, TAM, Transbrasil and VASP admit their presidents met in Sao Paulo this month, but say talks were only about co-operation. Source: Flight International

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    Fifty up for GV


    Gulfstream delivered the 50th Gulfstream V earlier this month to the manufacturer's own chairman and chief executive, Theodore Forstmann. Forstmann bought his first Gulfstream aircraft in 1984 before his firm, Forstmann Little & Co, bought the manufacturer in 1990. Source: Flight International

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    Cycle engine


    GenCorp Aerojet's contract with NASA to continue developing the Strutjet Rocket Based Combined Cycle engine has been extended to 2001. The propulsion system uses air-breathing and rocket engine technology in a single engine. Source: Flight International

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    Chinese launch


    China's state media has reported that the country plans to launch an orbital test of a crewless spacecraft by the end of the year and put a person into orbit in about 2005. A Space Shuttle-type vehicle is also planned, but its development will depend on a new Long March ...

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    Asteroid target


    NASA's Discovery programme spacecraft - the Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous (NEAR) - is on course for a close encounter with the asteroid 433 Eros on 14 February, 2000, following a 2min burn of its hydrazine engine. NEAR will spend a year orbiting Eros and sending back data and images. Source: ...

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    Space speed


    The University of Washington in the USA has received a £500,000 grant from NASA to work on a new propulsion system called Mini-Magnetospheric Plasma Propulsion - M2P2 - which could enable a spacecraft to travel at 290,000km/h or 6.5 million km/day. Solar cells and solenoid coils would be used ...

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    Rained off


    A global positioning system satellite was damaged by rainwater on the pad at Cape Canaveral in May, causing $2.1 million worth of damage because a shroud was incorrectly erected over the satellite by technicians during the deluge and it collapsed under the weight of water. Source: Flight International

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    MiG-31 upgrades


    MAPO is to develop a prototype of an upgraded MiG-31 interceptor. Nickolay Nikitin, MAPO general director and general designer, says the decision to retrofit the upgrades to existing MiG-31s will be taken after a review of flight test results. Source: Flight International

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    GPS failures


    The US departments of defence and transportation last week warned users of global positioning system (GPS) receivers of possible malfunctions because of the GPS end-of-week (EOW) rollover. The EOW, due on 21-22 August is every 20 years and involves updating satellite information allowing GPS receivers to predict which satellites are ...

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    Commercial Aircraft Directory: Part 1


    The past 12 months has seen a regional jet boom, with sales flourishing and new models brought to market Andrew Doyle/MUNICH Max Kingsley-Jones/LONDONThe regional aircraft sector has been dominated in the past year by jet product launches, namely the Fairchild Aerospace 428JET and 528/728/928JETfamily, Embraer RJ-170/190 and Airbus A318. Product ...

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    Taiwan medium-lift competition slips


    A Taiwan air force programme to replace ageing tactical transports has slipped, with competitors now not expecting a contract before 2002 at the earliest. The air force has already retired its elderly Fairchild C-119 Boxcars and had planned to fund a replacement in its 1998/9 budget. "The programme has ...

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    US export changes hit Canada


    Canadian industry is struggling to cope with changes to US export controls which have curtailed its access to US technology and markets. The special status previously accorded to Canadian companies has been removed following changes to US International Trade in Arms Regulations (ITARs). As a result, US companies now ...

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    South Korea buys westernised Mi-17


    The first Kazan Mi-17 helicopter with western avionics, fitted by Kelowna Flightcraft, has been sold to South Korea's LG International for delivery to the country's police force. British Columbia-based Kelowna completed a prototype of the westernised Mi-17KF last year, and has sent a team to Kazan Helicopters to install ...

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    Industry holds WTO compliance talks


    The Canadian Government has begun talks with industry on how to restructure the Technology Partnerships Canada (TPC) programme to make it compliant with World Trade Organisation (WTO) regulations on export subsidies. Industry minister John Manley threw down the gauntlet to Brazil at Aerospace North America by stressing that Canada ...

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    Boeing focuses on longer-range 757-200


    Guy Norris/SEATTLE As pressure builds on Boeing to inject new life into the 757 programme, the company is focusing studies of a longer-range 757-200X on a group of six key scheduled and charter operators. It believes the variant could enter service after 2003. Major changes to the current 757-200 would ...

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    A300 autopilot checks ordered after approach yaws


    Uncommanded rudder inputs on final approach traced to a faulty Airbus A300-600 autopilot have caused the US Federal Aviation Administration to issue an airworthiness directive (AD) requiring autopilot checks on the entire A300B, A310 and A300-600 fleet. The unidentified incident is still under investigation by the French civil aviation ...