All news – Page 6417

  • News

    Cathay Pacific returns to profit after nightmare


    Cathay Pacific Airways is well on the way to putting last year's nightmare behind it, having announced an operating profit of HK$236 million ($30 million) for the six months ending 30 June, compared with a HK$39 million loss for the first half of 1998. The carrier, number two in ...

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    Dasa takes stake in South Africa defence


    DaimlerChrysler Aerospace (Dasa) has made its first direct investment in the South African defence industry by taking a 33% stake in electronics joint venture Reutech Radar Systems for an undisclosed sum. The company is being formed in partnership with South Africa's Reunert Electronics Group and Kgorong Investment holdings, which ...

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    El Al rethinks widebody funding


    Israeli flag carrier El Al has contracted US bank Chase Manhattan to examine the funding of its planned widebody purchase and to assess market demand in Israel and the Middle East over the next decade. Chase has been brought in because of concerns expressed by some El Al board ...

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    Profits drop as overcapacity hits Europe's major carriers


    Chris Jasper/LONDON Europe's major carriers are feeling the financial pinch as over-capacity takes its toll on income. British Airways, KLM and SAS are all reporting sharp declines in operating profits for the last quarter. BA posted a £200 million ($323 million) pre-tax profit for the three months to ...

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    EC gives conditional approval to KLM/Alitalia deal


    The European Commission (EC) has approved the alliance between KLM and Alitalia, but has made the near-merger subject to several conditions designed to ensure that third carriers have access to the two carriers' main hubs. The approval offers no objections to the total financial, organisational and legal integration of ...

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    American Airlines - due to complete its $124 million merger with Reno Air on 31 August - is to meet a private mediator and negotiators from the Allied Pilots Association this week to resolve a dispute over the integration of Reno pilots. A tentative agreement struck in July proved unacceptable ...

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    Falling ticket prices hit US airlines


    Chris Jasper/LONDON Falling ticket prices in the USA are beginning to squeeze the profits of the country's major airlines. Figures for the first six months of this year show that few carriers were able to increase profits and that most saw income fall compared with the same period last year. ...

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    Logical thinking


    A 1950s-vintage military jet engine sent to the USA for overhaul is impounded by Customs. A US company is barred from supplying its subsidiary with hardware for a civilian earth observation satellite. Delivery of US-built turboprop aircraft for a privately operated training programme is held up pending an export licence. ...

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    USAF widens role for airborne laser weapon


    Guy Norris/LOS ANGELES The US Air Force and its Team ABL partners - Boeing, TRW and Lockheed Martin - are evaluating new roles for the 747-400-based AL-1A airborne laser (ABL) and will report this year to the head of Air Combat Command. Designed for theatre defence against ballistic ...

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    North American C-27J assembly line hinges on US forces order


    Paul Lewis/MARIETTA Lockheed Martin Alenia Tactical Transport Systems (LMATTS) is considering a full C-27J assembly line in North America if it can secure sufficient US Army and National Guard orders for the joint venture development. LMATTS plans to compete for the US Army's airborne common sensor (ACS) platform requirement with ...

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    Boeing wins bulk of CAL order but Airbus takes widebody deal


    Boeing has taken the bulk of China Airlines' (CAL) $5.6 billion buying spree, but lost out to rival Airbus on the much prized deal to supply new medium capacity widebodies. CAL has placed firm orders for up to 19 Boeing 747-400s and five 737-800s worth $3.8 billion, while Airbus' slice ...

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    Taiwan shrinks Huey replacement programme


    The Taiwanese Ministry of National Defence (MND) has slashed its utility helicopter procurement programme from 98 to 25 aircraft. Industry officials close to the programme say the reduction is due to budget concerns. Taiwan requires a new utility helicopter fleet to replace locally built Bell UH-1Hs, about 100 of ...

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    Explorer considers Canadian production


    Explorer Aircraft, the Colorado-based developer of a new single-engined family of utility transport aircraft, will complete its start-up business plan by September. This could include setting up a production site in Canada. The Explorer is a high-wing single, aimed to fill the niche between piston singles and larger turboprops, such ...

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    Accidents hit island hoppers on Cape Verde and Rhodes


    Poor visibility and rain forced a Cape Verde Air Transport Fairchild Dornier 228-200 to break off an approach to Santa Antao, Cape Verde Islands, on 7 August. The aircraft (D4-CBC) appears to have hit high ground shortly afterwards, killing both crew and all 16 passengers. On 28 July, on ...

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    Mandarin seeks 737s after merger


    Mandarin Airlines, which merged with Formosa Airlines on 8 August, is looking at acquiring six Boeing 737-800s by the end of next year. "We are going to lease three 737-800s from China Airlines [CAL] in November, and we may dry lease two to three more from the market next ...

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    Malaysia reports


    The British Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions (DETR) confirms that it has received a report from the Malaysian aviation authorities about Malaysia Airlines (MAS) aircraft repeated arrival at London Heathrow Airport short of fuel. No details will be released by the UK, says the DETR, because it ...

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    Anti-trust rejected


    The US Department of Transportation has, as expected, rejected an anti-trust immunity request from British Airways and American Airlines which was linked to their planned alliance. Its decision was coloured by BA's reluctance to surrender slots at London Heathrow as a basis for a new US/UK open skies pact. ...

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    Greek Texans


    Greece has finalised a $200 million-plus contract for 45 Raytheon T-6 Texan II turboprop-powered trainers. The initial 24 aircraft will be similar to US Air Force and Navy T-6s, but the others will be to a "New Trainer Aircraft" standard specific to the Greek air force. Hellenic Aerospace Industries will ...

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    LoPresti upgrades


    LoPresti Speed Merchants has unveiled a cowling modification to improve the Grumman Tiger's speed and engine cooling. The company has also introduced improved wingtips for taper-wing Piper Cherokees, composite landing-gear doors for Piper retractables and high-reliability landing lights for Mooney M20J 201/205/Allegros. Source: Flight International

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    Improved Voyager-500


    Revolution Helicopters has improved its two-seat Voyager-500 helicopter with a redesigned airframe, clutch and exhaust. The airframe has been redesigned for improved handling, the new clutch eliminates any metal contact and the modified exhaust reduces the decibel level by half. Source: Flight International