All news – Page 6476

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    USA to say sorry?


    US Undersecretary of State Thomas Pickering visiting China to explain the bombing by a US pilot of the Chinese Embassy during NATO's air assault on Yugoslavia. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright said he had gone with an inter-agency team in order to explain what happened and to say ...

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    Kashmir bombed in Pakistan claim


    Pakistan said Sunday that India had fired chemical shells into the disputed region of Kashmir, as fighting intensified following unsuccessful talks to resolve the conflict. The Pakistan military released a statement saying the Indian army had carried out heavy shelling "deep inside Pakistan territory" Saturday and Sunday, including ...

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    Korean standoff continues


    North Korean patrol ships crossed into South Korean territory in the Yellow Sea Monday, as a tense standoff continued for an eighth day. Seven ships which entered South Korean waters earlier had retreated to northern waters on Sunday, South Korean officials said, but two crossed the border again at ...

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    Invisible threats from space


    THE good news is that astronomers have identified an asteroid that could be on a collision course with Earth. The bad news is that they have lost it. The object, called 1998 OX4, was found last year by a team at the University of Arizona, who tracked it for ...

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    IAE lets the market do the talking for new variant engine


    Geoff Thomas International Aero Engines (IAE) has announced that it has begun to evaluate a new variant of its V2500 engine, which powers Airbus A320 family aircraft. The formal launch of the -A7 version could happen by the end of this year, says IAE president and chief executive ...

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    Dowty secures extensions on Boeing contracts


    Mark Hannant Dowty Group has secured extensions on its contracts on Boeing 737, 747, 757, and 767 aircraft worth more than $250 million, the company announced at the show yesterday. Under terms of the long-term deals, Dowty Aerospace Los Angeles (DALA) will supply hydro-mechanical equipment to Boeing Commercial ...

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    JSF engine development passes milestone


    Pratt & Whitney and Fokker Elmo have reached a milestone in work on the Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) programme. The two companies have completed a critical design review of Fokker's design for electrical harnesses for P&W's F119 JSF demonstrator engines. Fokker has delivered one set of three harnesses ...

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    Heathrow depot almost at full capacity


    AlliedSignal's parts customers in Europe, Africa and the Middle East should be experiencing a considerably enhanced service, as the company's newly-opened distribution centre - near London's Heathrow airport - is now close to operating at full capacity. Many customers, such as KLM in Amsterdam, are already benefiting from a ...

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    Teamwork key to show success


    Ian Verchere As the person elected by his peers at GIFAS, the French national association of aerospace companies, to run the 43rd Paris air show, Edmond Marchegay has all the cool of an aircraft carrier skipper in variable weather. The decks may heave and roll in the swell, ...

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    Jean-Loup and Nigel, the voices of Paris 99


    Andrew Douse Meet the men who talk you through the daily flying display - Nigel Stevens and Jean-Loup Cardey. It's their job to provide the running commentary on the flight presentation for 4h every afternoon. More than 70 aircraft are expected to grace the sky above Le Bourget ...

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    Aerospace merger brings executive decisions


    Hundreds of UK aerospace executives are facing an uncertain future as a result of the coming merger between British Aerospace and Marconi Electronic Systems. BAe insiders talk about "brutal cuts" needed in the numbers of executives to achieve the $440 million in cost savings promised to shareholders during the ...

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    War of words over Eurofighter missile


    Tim Ripley As the race to win the UK's billion dollar beyond-visual-range missile contest enters its final stages, US missile giant Raytheon has claimed that sales of the Eurofighter will be boosted by the selection its new Future Medium-Range Air-to-Air Missile (FMRAAM). "Any other solution represents a dangerous ...

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    Tough questions face Aerospatiale Matra boss


    Ian Verchere In a studied exercise in political stone-walling, the new supremo of France's recently-privatised Aerospatiale Matra entity, Jean-Luc Lagardere, yesterday fended off hostile media questioning over how the current deadlock over the transformation of Airbus Industrie into a single corporate entity would be broken. While accepting the ...

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    Close shave


    The Kosovo crisis could have meant that there was no Block 50 F-16 in the flying display at Le Bourget. Until last week there was considerable doubt about whether a European-based US Air Force aircraft would be available and Lockheed Martin was negotiating to lease an earlier model from ...

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    Airbus predicts global demand for 15,500 aircraft


    Mike Martin Airbus Industrie and Boeing unveiled their latest market forecasts at the show yesterday. There's broad agreement on the basic value of the business over the next 20 years, but interesting differences of view. Lift-off for a new standard in style, being set by Gulf Air ...

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    Boeing identifies a need for intermediate twin-aisle aircraft


    Tony Stephenson Over the next 20 years more than $1.38 trillion will be invested in new commercial aircraft, according to Boeing's Current Market Outlook report, launched at Le Bourget yesterday. Of that, more than $570 billion will be spent on intermediate twin-aisle aircraft such as the 767 and ...

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    New delivery moves 707 re-engining closer


    A Boeing 707 re-engining programme involving between 250 and 300 military and commercial aircraft has moved a step closer with the delivery of the first new Pratt & Whitney (P&W) JT8D-219 engine for certification flight testing. Seven Q Seven (SQS) will carry out the flight testing, while demonstrator flights ...

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    Business jet market sees growth through fractions


    Karen Walker Who would have thought that selling aircraft bit by bit could end up being bigger business than selling them whole? Thanks to fractional ownership, that is where the business jet industry seems to be heading. It explains why some of the largest and most talked about ...

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    Heliport shortage cramps manufacturers' style


    Paul Derby With industry analysts predicting a surge of growth for the helicopter fractional ownership market, manufacturers and operators have a tricky problem to grapple with - where exactly do they take off and land? The issue of infrastructure is one that has been perplexing not just potential ...

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    SITA unveils new telecoms advances


    SITA, a provider of telecommunication systems to the air transport industry, is unveiling a number of new developments in the field of air-ground communications. The company has expanded its Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System (ACARS) to provide VHF radio coverage in every country of the world by extending ...