All news – Page 6483

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    Confrontation at Pristina avoided


    UK forces were moments away from being sent to confront Russian troops over a race to Pristina airport in Kosovo on Friday. In what nearly became the biggest confrontation since the end of the Cold War, elite Parachute Regiment troops and Gurkhas were put on standby to fly into ...

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    Boeing bullish as record year shapes up


    Mike Martin "Boeing is back," declared Alan Mulally, president of Boeing Commercial Airplanes Group yesterday. "We have overcome recent production difficulties and are well on the way to meeting our commitment to deliver a record 620 commercial airplanes by the end of this year. That is more than ...

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    Airbus juggles final assembly sites for flexibility


    Hamburg has been chosen for the final assembly of the 107-seat Airbus Industrie A318 - but some of its A319 production will move to Toulouse, it was announced at the show yesterday. Airbus chief executive Noel Forgeard says the decision to split the A319 final assembly offers production flexibility. ...

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    HGS breakthrough for flight simulators


    The landing approach being shown above is to Tokyo Haneda airport and is being demonstrated on the first Boeing 737-700 full flight simulator produced by the Tulsa, Oklahoma-based Simulation Systems division of FlightSafety International. About to be shipped to the UK, it will join the Flight- SafetyBoeing fleet of ...

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    Britten-Norman enjoys new Romanian rhapsody


    Britten-Norman (BN) has chosen Paris to show off its newly strengthened capability since acquiring Romanian aerospace company Romaero. BN acquired its long-time airframe subcontractor last January, giving it hands-on control of Romaero Islander/Defender construction. Other Romaero activity that now forms part of the BN Group is structure assembly ...

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    'Beam me up, Scotty' still a pipe dream


    It looks like aircraft and engines as we know them will be with us for some time yet, despite claims that an anti-gravity device and warp drive are on the cards. Scientists at the Tampere University Institute of Materials in Finland thought they had found the holy grail recently ...

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    Eurockot wins launch contract from Motorola


    The Russian-German Eurockot company has been awarded a contract from Motorola to launch two Iridium mobile communications satellites this December. The launch will be the first by the commercial organisation, which operates converted Russian SS-19 intercontinental ballistic missiles. Eurockot also holds contracts for two launches of three E-SAT ...

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    Russia introduces new generation of rocket boosters


    Tim Furniss Russia's Khrunichev State Space Research and Production Centre has introduced a new family of launchers which could compete in the commercial market by 2001. The largest of the five proposed Angara launchers has a maximum performance to low Earth orbit of 28t, with a capability of ...

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    Three Brazilian satellites due to be launched this year


    The Brazilian Space Agency says three national satellites will be launched in September and one of the craft will be carried on the country's first satellite launcher. Two satellites, called SACI 1 and CBERS, will be launched by a Chinese Long March 2C booster, while SACI 2 will fly ...

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    Seaspray chosen


    Marconi Avionics has announced the award of a contract by the German federal procurement office (BWB) for Seaspray radars that will equip German navy Lynx helicopters. The contract is valued at more than £15 million ($24 million) and is the largest order for Seaspray radars to be awarded to ...

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    Romanians plan to privatise Aerostar


    State Romanian aviation company Aerostar is possibly within three months of announcing its privatisation plans - assuming that the right partner emerges. Speaking at the show yesterday on the Aerostar stand in Hall 5, company representative Doina-Gabriela Matanie says that now Aerostar is becoming financially stronger, with a ...

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    Partners' hopes ride on further Lancer upgrades


    Geoff Thomas After making its international debut in the Farnborough static display last September, an upgraded Mikoyan MiG-21bis Lancer 111 - the final production and most potent variant of the fighter family - is being shown at Le Bourget by Aerostar of Romania. The aircraft is demonstrated by ...

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    Kosovo windfall for aircraft manufacturers


    Tim Ripley Aircraft manufacturers in the USA and Europe are likely to receive a huge windfall from the Kosovo conflict, says a report from top US analysts Forecast International. This will be on top of the $500 million in urgent spending to re-stock USA and UK's arsenals of ...

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    ATR confident of sealing Indian assembly deal


    Alan Dron Discussions between ATR and Hindustan Aeronautics (HAL) to assemble ATR turboprops in India are "progressing fairly well", ATR chief executive officer Antoine Bouvier said at the show yesterday. He made the comment as Indian carrier Jet Airways announced it is to acquire five ATR 72-500s by ...

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    UltraQuiet system for Swedish fleet


    Tamzin Hindmarch Ultra Electronics has secured its first retrofit customer for the UltraQuiet cabin system on Saab 340A and 340B aircraft. Golden Air of Sweden was to sign a letter of intent today to buy five cabin systems for its Saab 340 fleet from the UK-based company. ...

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    Just because you asked


    "The stand has no relevance to our product - that's why people stop by," says John Donoghue of Forged Metals (FMI). "They ask: 'What exactly is it you guys do?'" Which comes as no surprise, as the stand proudly sports what is described as a 'highly modified' Citroen 2 ...

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    Amsafe promotes airbags for safety


    Steve Nichols If we can have airbags in cars, why can't we have them in aircraft? This should be the question on any passenger's lips as they step on board a flight. Statistics show that 77% of all aircraft crashes are survivable, but survivability is not enough. Should ...

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    Book it on the Web


    If you need to check the widget, or undertake a full maintenance on a USA-built aircraft, but you've lost the manual, don't worry. Newport Aeronautical Sales has developed an Internet site which enables surfers to locate manuals. The company, based in Newport Beach, California, has a library of more ...

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    Deadline nears for Nordic common helicopter decision


    Paul Derby Crunch time is approaching for Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden as the four nations seek to decide on a common airframe for the proposed Nordic Standard Helicopter Programme. The end of June is the cut-off point when an inter-government agreement must be signed opening the way ...

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    Multi warhead teamwork on display


    Andy Douse Within the last six months, two international teams have been formed to create a new 'force' in warhead technology. They're called Team Lancer and Team Fuzing, and they're at Le Bourget to tell you more. Team Lancer provides multi-warhead solutions for the attack and defeat ...