All news – Page 6492

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    Bykovo Avia aims for profitability and expansion


    Russia's Bykovo Avia has appointed Alexander Shashkov general director. He has been given the task of returning the Moscow carrier to profitability as it prepares to expand into international operations. The airline, which is based at Bykovo Airport, 40km (25 miles) east of Moscow, regularly carried 2 million passengers ...

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    Embraer studies ERJ options


    Paul Lewis/WASHINGTON DC Embraer will announce at the Paris air show later this month the selection of an engine and cockpit avionics for its proposed new ERJ-170 and ERJ-190 family of regional aircraft. This will clear the way for a final decision on development planned for 1 July, although there ...

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    AeroPeru stake


    AeroPeru says Continental Airlines has agreed to take a 49% stake in the Peruvian flag carrier, grounded since March because of debts. The carrier expects to resume flying by 22 June. Local reports quoting officials of AeroPeru and Indecopi, the state agency handling the deal, say a 30% stake in ...

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    Raptor avionics


    Boeing has delivered the first F-22 Raptor Block 1.1 avionics flight test package to Lockheed Martin at Marietta, Georgia. Block 1.1 integrated avionics have completed more than 9,000h of testing in Boeing's avionics integration laboratory. Tests have also been performed in the Boeing 757 flying testbed. The package includes 80% ...

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    Hornet tests sting


    Boeing's F/A-18E/F Super Hornet has entered operational evaluation (Opeval) with the US Navy. During Opeval, which will last six months and involve about 700 sorties, seven production aircraft will be flown by evaluation squadron VX-9 at NAS China Lake, California. Source: Flight International

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    Fourth NH90 flies


    The fourth NH90 prototype tactical utility/naval helicopter has flown at Eurocopter's test facility in Ottobrun, near Munich. The prototype will be used to qualify the tactical mission and aircraft systems. NH Industries is hoping for a commitment from partner nations France, Germany, Italy and The Netherlands for industrialisation and production ...

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    More modules at LFT


    Lufthansa Flight Training (LFT) is to provide more specialist training modules for Airbus crew training. These include extended range twin engine operations, Category III precision approaches, precision approaches with global positioning system satellite navigation and line oriented flight training and crew resource management. Source: Flight International

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    New JetClub UK company


    A new UK-based business aircraft management and charter company has been set up by International JetClub. The Farnborough, Hampshire-based firm, an affiliate of Switzerland's JetClub Zurich, says it manages a combined fleet of five aircraft. Source: Flight International

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    Green completion


    Midcoast Aviation has completed its first "green" Challenger 604 business jet under contract to Bombardier. The St Louis-based Sabreliner subsidiary is completing several aircraft for Bombardier because the manufacturer's completion facilities are full. Midcoast says it delivered the aircraft ahead of schedule. Source: Flight International

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    Solar bug


    Confirming earlier warnings that solar storms next year could be a worse problem for the space industry than the year 2000 bug, the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration says there could next year be electrical power outages, satellites going off course and cellular phone and pager disruptions as the ...

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    Schedule change


    Communications satellite operator PanAmSat has amended the launch schedule for its next five satellites. This follows satellite manufacturing delays, launch failures and in-orbit satellite malfunctions. There will be no launches this year, six are scheduled for next year and one in 2001, the US firm says. PanAmSat's Galaxy XI moves ...

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    Chinese mission


    Li Jianzhong, director of the Chinese Academy of Launch-Vehicle Technology, says that a manned launch is "under preparation". He indicates that it will follow not far behind an unmanned test flight of a new recoverable spacecraft, believed to be scheduled for 1 October. The launch will be made by an ...

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    Heading West


    Ukraine is trying to win over Western Europe with an improved An-70 Andrew Doyle/MUNICH Scheduled to appear at Paris, the Antonov An-70 is competing for the European common medium transport aircraft requirement, for which it is now known as the An-7X. The German Government tasked DaimlerChrysler Aerospace (Dasa) with ...

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    ANA embarks on recovery plan with focus on business routes


    Andrzej Jeziorski/TOKYO Japan's second biggest airline, All Nippon Airways (ANA), is launching a low-cost carrier, deferring aircraft orders and slashing its workforce by 10% after suffering its first operating loss since 1982. The new, unnamed, low-cost carrier will be established next year, and will focus on international operations from Osaka-Kansai ...

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    Common currency


    Europe's JAA is about to be replaced by a new European Aviation Safety Authority David Learmount/LONDON Imagine if an aircraft built in one European Union country had to go through separate certification tests in each EU nation. The result could be a different marque of aircraft for each country, dramatically ...

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    Main chance


    The expected exit of the US Air Force from Frankfurt opens options for the airport Ed Reavis/FRANKFURT State and local officials in Germany say they expect the US Air Force to vacate some of the world's prime airport territory within the next three to five years, opening a ...

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    From Zeppelins to the Balkans


    Rhein-Main AB was opened on 8 July, 1936, mainly for use as a port for zeppelins. During the Second World War, Rhein-Main was used to launch German air attacks on France and other points. A branch of the Auschwitz concentration camp was erected on the southern end of the base, ...

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    Family power


    IAE has come of age thanks to the growing success of its V2500 on the Airbus A320 family of aircraft Guy Norris/LOS ANGELES Business is booming for International Aero Engines (IAE), which last month celebrated the 10th anniversary of entry into commercial service of the V2500. "It's an important milestone ...

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    CAE to supply weapons trainer for USAF crews


    CAE Electronics is to supply an eighth Lockheed C-5B weapon system trainer to FlightSafety Services, for training US Air Force crews. The contract is worth C$26.5 million ($18 million). The Level C-standard simulator will be delivered in early 2001. CAE supplied all seven C-5B trainers in service. FlightSafety ...

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    Low-cost work


    Wicat Systems, with Faros, Airbus and Aerospatiale, has introduced a maintenance training device (MTD), which is being offered as a low-cost alternative to simulators used for Airbus A320 cockpit-based maintenance procedures training. Derived from Wicat's flight management system trainers, the MTD uses full-flight simulator software. Source: Flight International