All news – Page 6499

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    Out of the wilderness


    Doug Cameron AMMAN/JORDAN The planned privatisation of Royal Jordanian Airlines could transform the industry in the Middle East with a government willing for the first time to sacrifice national pride for survival. The luxury hotels sprouting on the seven hills of the Jordanian capital, Amman, are a false ...

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    Jockeying for position


    Tom Gill While European and US hubs remain buoyed by healthy traffic flows across the Atlantic, the airports of Asia-Pacific have yet to see concrete signs of recovery in passenger numbers to fill the bright new capacity that has been coming on stream. If growth through the world's airports ...

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    Storming the capital


    Lois Jones Stansted has evolved from a little known local airport in the south-east of England to be the new rising star of the London airport scene, and still holds ambitions to become a base for global alliances launching long-haul services It is the tale of a poor relation which ...

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    If sleeping giants awake


    Mike Howarth from airport strategy & marketing in MANCHESTER Could consolidation within the airport sector create a new set of powerful global players, on equal terms with the airlines? ASM argues that it could. While analysts pore over every minor twist and turn in airline alliance strategy, few have cared ...

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    Time to reflect


    Nicholas Ionides TAIPEI Taiwan's EVA Airways has enjoyed rapid growth since it started flying eight years ago. Now it is time for consolidation and to take stock An unfamiliar quiet now fills the once bustling halls of the EVA Airways corporate offices. After eight years of phenomenal ...

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    Playing for profit


    Chris Tarry at Commerzbank in LONDON Chasing market share has cost the industry dear in past cycles. To avoid a repeat, major airlines and their alliances must start to recognise that not all growth is good for profits. Alliance strategy in one form or another has come to dominate the ...

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    US first quarter causes concern


    US first quarter results are perhaps the clearest indication so far that the current cycle's downturn might be just around the corner. While there is no need yet for tears, overall revenues are flat compared with the 1998 first quarter and net results are down. The sobering effect on overall ...

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    Two years old and still growing


    Nicolas Ionides SYDNEY Star Alliances has added two new partner airlines, but as it met to celebrate its second birthday, it is still in search of its full identity. Seated side by side at an informal press briefing in a Sydney hotel, Jürgen Weber and Gerald Greenwald admit ...

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    Counting the costs of war


    Peter Bennett VIENNA NATO's Yugoslav bombing campaign is taking its toll on central European air services Europe's airlines are counting the costs of the Kosovo conflict as the effects of cancelled routes, extra flying time and a drop in transit passenger numbers kick in. Austrian Airlines says in ...

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    Skymark retreats on price


    David Knibb BRISBANE Japan's newest airline has upset its bigger rivals with its policy of fare discounts, but after eight months has bowed to pressure and is to raise ticket prices For eight months Skymark Airlines, Japan's first new airline in 35 years, kept the domestic market in turmoil ...

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    Opening Arab skies


    Tom Gill JEDDAH Unity among Arab airlines is being tested over proposals for a single aviation market in the region as they struggle against a weak economic background. With the Middle East peace dividend yet to materialise, weak oil prices , a continuing UN economic embargo on Iraq and ...

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    Towards unsettled skies


    The economic crisis in Latin America is making the region's carriers focus on capitalisation and potential consolidation. Report from the annual meeting of airline chief executives in Miami. Latin American carriers, shaken by liberalisation, open skies agreements and the continuing encroachment of US airlines into their territories, must come to ...

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    Boeing's small adventure


    The 717 appears well suited to high frequency, short haul operations Michael Gerzanics/LONG BEACHBoeing's 717 is poised to be the newest aircraft to enter the much anticipated 100-seat airliner market. With joint US and European certification due in September, Boeing hopes to capture the lion's share of a projected 2,600-aircraft ...

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    War on the ground


    Maintaining the aircraft taking part in air attacks against Yugoslavia is a battle in itself DeeDee Doke/LONDON As NATO's air campaign over Yugoslavia approaches its tenth week, the US Air Force is battling behind the lines with a multi-headed foe: maintenance. "Flying hours have surged by over four ...

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    Brazil's new teeth


    With the roll-out of the Embraer EMB-145SA and ALX on 28 May, the Brazilian air force is preparing to add two long-awaited aircraft to its fleet Jackson Flores jr/SAO JOSE DOS CAMPOS The addition of the EMB-145 surveillance platform and the ALX light strike aircraft will give the Brazilian air ...

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    As good as it gets?


    General aviation safety may not get much better without help David Learmount/LONDON General aviation safety is either improving slowly or has reached a point where further significant improvement is unlikely, say the national agencies which track GA safety with any accuracy. The 1998 corporate aviation accidents list shows 70 accidents, ...

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    H-2A second stage engine set to power Japan's MT-SAT


    Andrzej Jeziorski/PARIS Rocket System (RSC) of Japan will confirm the performance of the second-stage engine of its modified H-2A launch vehicle in an H-2 flight scheduled for the third quarter of this year. According to RSC executive vice-president Hiroshi Imamura, the LE-5B engine is being installed into the ...

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    Pegasus places satellites in orbit


    An Orbital Sciences (OSC) Pegasus booster was air-launched over the Pacific on 18 May, placing Terriers and Mublcom satellites into low earth orbit. The OSC-built 48kg Mublcom is a US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency/US Army Communications Electronics Command spacecraft designed to demonstrate to combat forces and civil users ...

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    Beal chases private project


    Andrzej Jeziorski/PARIS Beal Aerospace Technologies is planning to become the first private company to develop, build and fly large launch vehicles in the same class as the European Ariane. The Dallas, Texas-based company is developing an expendable launch vehicle, the BA-2, which Beal Aerospace founder and president Andy Beal ...

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    Cash problems deepen as Iridium misses target


    Iridium, the worldwide mobile communications operator, is experiencing worsening financial problems. Even with 74 operational satellites in orbit, the Motorola-led company will fail to meet its new target of 27,000 subscribers by the end of May and is heading towards defaulting on $800 million in outstanding loans. Investors had given ...