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    US Q400 order on horizon as targets are bettered


    Guy Norris/LOS ANGELES Max Kingsley-Jones/LONDON Bombardier and US regional carrier Horizon Air are negotiating a deal for at least 20 Dash 8 Q400 turboprops. An order from Horizon would represent a critical breakthrough in the North American market for the Canadian manufacturer. Although not confirmed by either party, ...

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    Aeroflot bucks trend as Russian airlines suffer declining market


    Paul Duffy/MOSCOW Jens Flottau/MOSCOW Passenger traffic figures for Russia's many airlines reveal that most suffered a significant decline last year, with Aeroflot Russian International Airlines one of the few to have bucked the trend. The flag carrier reported an increase in emplanements and claims to have returned a profit, albeit ...

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    V-22 delivery


    Bell Boeing delivered the first production MV-22B Osprey tiltrotor transport to the US Marine Corps on 14 May. The first of 350 MV-22s for the USMC, 50 CV-22s for the US Air Force and 48 CV-22s for the US Navy, was handed over at Bell's Arlington, Texas, flight test centre. ...

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    Dangerous grounds


    Aircraft are more likely to suffer damage on the ground than when airborne David Learmount/LONDON A Boeing 747 noses up to a docking point, wingtips avoiding the 747s either side by what feels like about a metre. The parking brake is applied, the crew shuts down the engines and, as ...

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    Tow-barless tests


    At some airports in Europe and the USA, tow-barless tractors have replaced many of the conventional tugs used for moving aircraft. They are particularly efficient in towing aircraft between docking points and hangars or engineering areas, because they can do so at taxiing speed without needing a crew on board ...

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    Foreign relations


    Crew compatibility will be a major influence in the International Space Station Tim Furniss/LONDON US, Russian, Japanese, European and Canadian cosmonauts and astronauts will soon take part in a 240-day simulation of life aboard the International Space Station (ISS) at the Russian Institute of Medical and Biological Problems in Moscow. ...

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    Warning revolution


    The UK Royal Navy is set to make a quantum leap in its airborne early warning capability Tim Ripley/BOSCOMBE DOWNThe UK's Royal Navy is on course to field a revolutionary airborne early warning (AEW) helicopter early in the next century. It will allow the RN to fight in the so-called ...

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    A charged affair


    Sky-high landing and navigation charges are driving airlines from key Japanese airports Andrejz Jeziorski/SINGAPORE Japanese "capsule" hotels which offer their guests space not much bigger than a mortuary drawer are symbolic of the overcrowding and overpricing of Tokyo and other Japanese population centres. The lack of available space ...

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    In recovery


    Asia's economic slump continues to colour aviation statistics - but the worst may be over Chris Jasper/LONDON From a statistical point of view, the global airport picture last year was dominated by the Asian economic collapse, with the Asia-Pacific region suffering a major decline in passenger traffic and aircraft movements. ...

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    Partnership imperative


    Latin American carriers are searching for international partners and injections of capital to survive into the 21st century Paul Lewis/MIAMI Financial reform, regulatory liberalisation and growing competition are transforming the face of air transportation in Central and South America. As political barriers are lowered progressively, airlines from Mexico to Chile ...

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    MD Helicopters plans to double output after order bonanza


    Kate Sarsfield/LONDON MD Helicopters, the new owner of the former Boeing light civil helicopter line, plans to double production by 2001, following an escalation in orders for the MD500 series, MD600N and Explorer helicopters. "Sales have gone up vertically. The flood gates have opened since we took over the ...

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    Agusta brings Power to Greek hospitals


    Agusta has secured a L35 billion ($19 million) order from the Greek Government for five A109 Power helicopters. The twin-engined aircraft will be deployed by the National Centre for Emergency for emergency medical service (EMS) operations. The Italian manufacturer has more than 130 orders for the Pratt & Whitney ...

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    AlliedSignal launches general aviation EGPWS


    AlliedSignal has extended its enhanced ground proximity warning system (EGPWS) product line with the launch of a compact system designed for the general aviation market. First deliveries of the GA EGPWS, which will cost less than $10,000, are planned for early next year. The new GA EGPWS, which will ...

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    Europe approves Global Express


    Bombardier received European certification for its Global Express ultra long-range business jet on 7 May, around six months later than expected. The Joint Aviation Authorities award marks the third key type approval for the Global Express, following Canadian and US certification in July and November 1998, respectively. Sixteen aircraft are ...

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    Armenian Su-31


    Sukhoi design bureau is looking at establishing a production line for its Su-31 sports aerobatic aircraft in Armenia. A delegation of senior Sukhoi representatives discussed the proposal with the Armenian prime minister Armen Darbinyan last month. Around $7 million may be invested in the project by Sukhoi and outside investors. ...

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    Clinton approves Iridium launch


    Andrezj Jeziorski/PARISUS President Bill Clinton has approved the 7 June launch of an Iridium communications satellite from China, despite fears of a fresh US clampdown on Chinese launches of US spacecraft. White House officials have hastened to deny any link between this decision and the furore between the USA and ...

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    Investigators probe causes of booster failures


    Preliminary investigations have identified hardware problems and corrupted software as possible causes of the recent failures of the Boeing Delta III and Lockheed Martin Titan IVB/Centaur boosters. The second burn of the Boeing Delta III second stage lasted 1s, rather than the planned 2min 47s, stranding the Orion 3 ...

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    $3.6 billion project aims to build Internet in space


    Lockheed Martin is joining TRW and Telecom Italia to develop a $3.6 billion global broadband multimedia and Internet satellite system. Lockheed will invest $400 million in the new Astrolink system, while Telecom and TRW will each contribute $250 million. The first satellite is planned for 2002 and three more ...

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    Euroconsult predicts healthy future for commercial satellites


    Industry consultancy Euroconsult predicts healthy growth in demand for commercial satellite launches over the next decade. Speaking at the First World Summit on the Space Transportation Business, in Paris on 10-11 May, Euroconsult's executive vice-president for space and communications, Rachel Villain, predicted that demand will average 132-163 satellite launches ...

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    ESA nations commit funding to Galileo system


    Julian Moxon/BRUSSELS Europe has launched the Galileo second-generation global satellite-navigation system after receiving strong financial commitments from European Space Agency (ESA) nations at the ESA ministerial meeting in Brussels on 11-12 May. The joint ESA/European Union (EU) Galileo programme has firmed up only recently, as it has become clear ...