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    China sale - China Eastern Airlines has agreed to sell its 13 Boeing MD-82s to General Electric Capital Aviation Services. At the same time it will lease 10 Airbus A320-family aircraft, for delivery from next year until 2002. Indian lease - Sahara India Airlines has leased a Boeing ...

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    Legend in the making


    Since declaring plans to launch an all first-class airline out of Dallas, Texas, management at Legend have fought an uphill battle to get off the ground. It could turn into the stuff of which legends are made - a US startup, with a flamboyant and outspoken chief executive, exploiting ...

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    Bringing airlines to account


    The lure of global capital markets is spurring the search for international accounting standards. To accompany the launch of the latest Bridging the GAAP reference work, author Ian Milne reports on an accountancy revolution. International accounting standards may seem an unpromising place to seek a revolution, at least one that ...

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    Two bid for Ansett half stake


    Singapore Airlines (SIA) and Air New Zealand (ANZ) each want the half interest in Ansett Holdings that News Corporation is selling for A$500 million ($315 million). ANZ owns half of Ansett Holdings, which in turn owns 49% of Ansett International Airlines and 100% of Ansett Australian Airlines. When ...

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    JAL turns the corner but ANA struggles


    Recovery has started sooner for Japan Airlines (JAL) than for All Nippon Airways (ANA). JAL has returned to profit, but both carriers face the twin threats of recession and domestic competition. Figures for the financial year ending 31 March will not be available until May, but the ...

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    Pilot strife hits Asia


    Cathay Pacific Airways and Royal Nepal Airlines have lengthened the list of Asian carriers suffering from discontented pilots. Troubled Royal Nepal suffered a serious problem in March when its pilots went on strike, grounding the carrier for 10 days. The dispute stemmed from the Kathmandu-based airline's controversial ...

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    PAL suffers new rejection


    The Philippine Airlines (PAL) soap opera continued in March and April, with a new episode nearly every day in the carrier's fight for survival. As of mid-April, Manila's Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) had rejected a second rehabilitation plan filed by the airline in March, on the grounds ...

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    Australian deal - Under a revised agreement, Australia and Austria are to allow unlimited cargo flights and greatly boost passenger allowances between the two countries. Austrian carriers are granted an immediate 53% increase in the number of seats sold, while airlines from both countries can add extra flights from October ...

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    KAL's safety blasted on the net


    Korean Air (KAL) is facing a new public relations crisis after the anonymous publication on the Internet of a damning review of its flight safety procedures and Delta Air Lines' suspension of its codeshare alliance with the carrier. The detailed assessment appeared on the Internet in March. In early ...

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    China battles airline losses


    China's Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) is taking steps to help turn around the country's airlines after last year's loss of over ´6 billion ($725 million). Topping the list is a plan to merge China's 40 airlines into three to six groups. Liu Jianfeng, CAAC director, announced ...

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    Virgin aims to attack BA via Air-India


    Air-India is negotiating a marketing tie-up with British Airways rival Virgin Atlantic aimed at reducing BA's dominance on the India-UK sector. Meanwhile, speculation in India is growing that BA and Lufthansa may be interested in an equity stake in Air-India. Under the rumoured tie-up, the two European carriers would ...

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    Rights and wrongs


    Passenger rights bills are currently winding their way through US Congress. Are passengers set for a better deal? Twenty one years after the US Government gave the airlines free rein to run their businesses as they saw fit, Congressional fingers are beginning to itch. A glance at the various ...

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    No flag in its future


    Venezuela has been without a flag-carrier since Viasa's demise. With no heir apparent, David Knibb assesses where the country heads from here A single day in March said much about the transition under way in Venezuela's airline industry. Workmen changed the doorlocks of the offices of Venezuela's new director general ...

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    All change in Taiwan


    Sandy Liu, newly-confirmed president of China Airlines, is resorting to a radical approach to turn the airline around. Nicholas Ionides reports from Taipei. When Sandy Liu, president of China Airlines (CAL) has time on his hands, he picks up the company's internal telephone directory and picks a name. Liu then ...

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    Phone alone


    Handheld internet terminals, led by the mobile phone, are promising to revolutionise contact with the customer. Jackie Gallacher reports. Hold onto your mobile phones, the wireless internet is coming your way. Scarcely has the world got to grips with email and the internet on personal computers, than the next ...

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    Growth continues


    Regional airlines continue to thrive around the world, with traffic and profits climbing again last year, as the latest rankings indicate. But there are structural issues on the horizon as Kevin O'Toole, Karen Walker, Jackie Gallacher and Tom Gill report. And so regional markets continue to boom. Equipped with ...

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    New Greek hopefuls line up


    The spawning of domestic start-ups in the Greek market following the introduction of deregulation is increasing the pressure on troubled flag carrier Olympic Airways. The European Commission's agreement giving Olympic exclusive rights to serve the Greek islands ended last year and a group of eager start-ups ...

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    News in Brief


    AirTran profit - AirTran has posted a profit for the first three months of the year, reporting net income of $3.1 million compared with a net loss of $7.9 million in the first quarter of 1998. Boeing reshape - Boeing has restructured its finance organisation in a ...

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    BM's Russian accord - British Midland has outlined an agreement in which with its Russian partner, Transaero, will fly one weekly to Moscow while BMwill fly four services. British Midland has just been designated as the second carrier, after British Airways, on the London-Moscow route. US Air goes ...

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    Taesa profit kicks off recovery


    Taesa, Mexico's third largest airline, made an operating profit of $31 million for last year after a four-year recovery from foreign debt. That could lead to new investors this year and a listing on the country's stock exchange within two or three years. But the key to further progress is ...