All news – Page 6536

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    JAL slows on oneworld


    Japan Airlines is in no hurry to join the oneworld alliance, despite its growing array of codeshare and reciprocal frequent flier agreements with its members British Airways, American Airlines, Cathay Pacific, Qantas and Canadian Airlines. For now, JAL says it wants to keep these only as bilateral pacts. "Membership of ...

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    PIA takes action on fleet renewal


    It was a decision years in the making, but Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) has taken action over its fleet renewal. The long-troubled state-owned carrier has signed a letter of intent with Hong Kong's Cathay Pacific Airways to lease all six of its Boeing 747-300s, to replace ageing 747-200s. ...

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    United extra - United Airlines is to introduce an additional daily non-stop flight from San Francisco to Hong Kong, from 10 June to 7 September. United already operates a regular daily non-stop service between the two cities and says demand for US-Hong Kong routes remains strong. China Southern ...

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    Beijing talks with USA break down


    Despite early optimism that a deal could be struck ahead of a high-level delegation of Chinese leaders to the USA in April, talks on a new air services agreement between Beijing and Washington broke down in February. During meetings between US and Chinese negotiators in Beijing from 24-26 February, ...

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    Better times beckon for Asia


    As Asian airlines start to report last year's results, the grip of the region's financial winter is clear. But a few hints of spring suggest the worst may be over, and this year could start a broader recovery. Thai Airways International released the most promising results. It reported ...

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    Europe breaks ranks on noise


    Europe's controversial action on hushkits could be just the start, as the region prepares to break international ranks to tighten up controls on noise and pollution. Europe's moves to suspend hushkitting have already caused one transatlantic row. But more controversy is in prospect as the European Commission (EC) prepares ...

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    Austrian spring


    Six years ago, Austrian Airlines was in severe difficulties. Then Mario Rehulka and Herbert Bammer took the helm. Peter Bennett talkes to the two presidents about their carrier's dramatic transformation. It is early spring in Vienna. It has been a cold and snowy winter, but now the first buds ...

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    Cheating on aviation


    Electronic systems continue to transform the airline industry, bringing savings, efficiency gains and-an increase in fraud. The potential to "earn" big money quickly in a multi-million-dollar business like the airline industry has already bred fraudulent activities in the shape of bogus spare parts, false maintenance records and fictitious frequent flyer ...

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    Fictitious aircraft


    Some transactions that may fall short of criminal fraud can nevertheless result in heavy losses, court actions and deep unhappiness. When businessman Thor Tjontveit and his Dallas-based company Air Alaska (also trading as World Pacific Air Lease Inc) were ordered by a New York court to pay compensatory and ...

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    Spanair in the works


    Straddling the charter-schedule boundary, Spanair is making a name for itself in Europe while also trying to gain a foothold in the transatlantic market. This will be a pivotal year for Spanair, Spain's fast-growing, charter-cum-scheduled airline. Eleven years old this spring, Spanair started scheduled flights just five years ago, ...

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    Premium Sales


    With the worst over in the airliner discount wars, John Leahy is focused on securing a premium for Airbus technology. Salesmen stuck with a mundane commodity product must look with green-eyed longing at the airliner market. What could be further from the stack it high and sell it cheap philosophy ...

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    The size equation


    Airbus forcasts show that demand for the A3XX rests partly on the shifting balance between high and low yield traffic. Few new airliner births can have had such an agonisingly slow and controversial labour as that which has accompanied the launch of a new large aircraft. After almost a ...

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    All kinds of everything


    Boeing believes its comprehensive range of airliners sets it up well for the next industry upturn, when each airline will seek out the product that most closely matches its requirements. All the sizes in all the colours. If Boeing's product range was available in the local department store, even the ...

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    Get your aircraft economics right


    Operating ageing aircraft can be an expensive business, as cost figures for the US majors clearly demonstrate. But how great is the cost difference between old and new? There has always been a trade-off between the cheap acquisition cost of older aircraft and the slick operating economics of modern types. ...

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    Pinto survives power struggle within Varig


    The manager of the Brazilian football team knows his job is never safe in a land where defeat is viewed as a national catastrophe. The situation appears to be little different for Fernando Pinto, the president of Varig. Pinto is the fourth Varig president in the last six years and ...

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    Iberia gets down to business


    With the BA equity deal all but sealed, membership of oneworld under its belt and full privatisation slated by year end, Iberia has much to be cheerful about. But while the Spanish flag carrier reinvents itself as a serious international business airline, it will need to keep a close eye ...

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    Food for thought


    Most airlines are contracting out in-flight catering and are increasingly looking for suppliers with a global presence. When casting around for ways to reduce costs and strip out non-core businesses, airline chief executives did not take long to focus on the opportunities to be had from outsourcing their in-flight ...

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    Safety in numbers?


    Until now, Air Namibia's future looked limited and its finances precarious. But hopes are pinned on a new managing director, a restructuring programme and an alliance with South African Airways. Jaafar Ahmad freely admits that his first reaction when asked to head up struggling carrier Air Namibia was: "What ...

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    Maintenance gets smart


    Every business has its dark corners. Secret fiefdoms or forgotten Cinderellas, where planning is a black art and true costs difficult to pin down. By tradition, maintenance has been one such corner of the airline industry. The label may be an exaggeration, but the boardroom drive to get a stronger ...

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    Vanishing act


    Perceptions of the job of the airline pilot are changing and not in a way which is going to be good for the industry. For some cultures, notably in the Far East and Middle East, it has never been seen as glamorous or prestigious to be an airline pilot. But ...