All news – Page 6537

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    Vanishing act


    Perceptions of the job of the airline pilot are changing and not in a way which is going to be good for the industry. For some cultures, notably in the Far East and Middle East, it has never been seen as glamorous or prestigious to be an airline pilot. But ...

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    NATO air armada begins wave of attacks on Serbian targets


    Howard Gethin/LONDON Ramon Lopez/WASHINGTON DC Aircraft from 13 NATO nations began an air and missile bombardment of Yugoslav military targets on the night of 24/25 March in response to the failure of the Yugoslav Government to sign up to peace talks over the disputed Kosovo region of Serbia. The ...

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    High court ruling leaves European slot allocation system in confusion


    Europe's slot allocation system has been thrown into confusion after a UK High Court ruling which, while not specifically permitting slot sales, seems to have given the all-clear to exchanges "where money changes hands". Delivering a decision on a case concerning the transfer of slots at London Heathrow from ...

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    USAF study faults weapon performance in Bosnia as NATO starts Serb campaign


    Tim Ripley/LONDON With NATO airpower striking at Yugoslavia, details have emerged of the performance of US "smart" weapons used during the organisation's last Balkan air offensive in 1995. The USAF's Balkan Air Campaign Study, which remains unpublished, even though it is available through the Freedom of Information Act, says ...

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    Proposed US-EU dialogue may ease tensions


    Alan George/BRUSSELS The European Union and the US Government have discussed the establishment of a 'structured dialogue' aimed at defusing aviation tensions between the two sides. The talks, between EC Transport Commissioner Neil Kinnock and US Transportation Secretary Rodney Slater, took place in Brussels last week. Slater went to ...

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    Delta's retiring Boeings find a new future in freighter role


    Pratt & Whitney and the Republic Financial Corp-oration have jointly acquired the rights to 119 Boeing 727-200s being retired by Delta Air Lines. The move secures airframes for conversion to freighters and perpetuates JT9D-15/15A engine overhaul and spares work. Delta is due to withdraw all of its 727s from ...

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    Airlines threatened by pilot shortages


    David Learmount/AMSTERDAM Airlines face a pilot shortage due to the military supply drying up and because pilot careers are no longer considered attractive by suitable applicants, the industry was warned at the Flight International Crew Management conference in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, on 25 and 26 March. The high training ...

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    US Navy fires first next generation Sidewinder missile


    The US Navy and US Air Force's joint RaytheonAIM-9X Sidewinder programme passed a major milestone on 18 March with the first live test firing of the next generation air-to-air missile. The missile was launched from a US Navy Boeing F/A-18C fighter flying subsonic at 4,575m (15,000ft) operating from the China ...

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    USAF seeks offers on biological/ anti-chemical warhead options


    Paul Lewis/WASHINGTON DC The US Air Force is seeking industry participation in the development and demonstration of an anti-chemical and biological agent warhead to fit to a range of guided air-to-surface munitions. According to the USAF Research Laboratory's Munitions Directorate, the Gulf War against Iraq highlighted the need ...

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    US restructures JSF programme concept demonstration


    The US/UK Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) programme is to be restructured so the competing design teams can complete the concept demonstration phase with the funds available. JSF programme office deputy director Maj Gen Mike Haugh says that the work to be accomplished within the current phase will be reduced ...

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    UK considers Sea Harrier modifications


    The UK Royal Navy is considering modifying its Sea Harrier F/A2 fighters with a new colour multifunction display and identification friend or foe (IFF) transponder/interrogator as part of a fleet wide introduction of Successor IFF (SIFF) equipment. The new IFF installation programme applies to a range of military equipment and ...

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    French Paveway


    The French defence ministry has awarded Raytheon a $9 million follow-on contract for Paveway II laser-guided bomb kits to fit on Mk 81 125kg bombs. Source: Flight International

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    Turkish carriers sign for Next Generation 737s


    Istanbul Airlines and SunExpress Airlines have become the latest Turkish carriers to make major commitments to the Boeing Next Generation 737 family, with plans to acquire a total of 26 aircraft between them. A firm order for 12 737-800s has been placed by Istanbul Airlines, with options on a further ...

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    Honeywell ready to sign LAAS development agreement


    Honeywell will sign an agreement in early April with the US Federal Aviation Administration to begin development of the local area augmentation system (LAAS), which will allow the global positioning system (GPS) to be used as the sole source of navigation information. Honeywell has assembled a team which includes ...

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    Devaluation forces Varig aircraft and route cuts


    Paul Lewis/WASHINGTON Brian Homewood/RIO DE JANEIRO Varig Brazil has announced cuts in international services to the USA and Europe and plans to withdraw its fleet of McDonnell Douglas DC-10-30 passenger aircraft by the end of the year as a massive Brazilian currency devaluation begins to affect airline traffic. ...

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    Aircell venture


    Aircell, the joint nacelle company formed in March 1998 by Airbus Industrie and Hispano-Suiza, is to form a new company with Hurel-Dubois subsidiary, Sint, to supply of complete propulsion systems to the consortium. The move aims to consolidate Aircell by incorporating the Toulouse-based Sint, which supplies propulsion systems to Airbus ...

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    Smith quits as chairman of Australian safety board


    Paul Phelan/CAIRNS Australian Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) chairman Dick Smith resigned on 22 March following an emergency board meeting. The move was the outcome of a growing division between Smith and CASA director Mick Toller over the pace of reforms Smith had been pushing. Smith told transport minister ...

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    R-R tackles Trent 700 surge/vibration issues


    Andrew Doyle/ZURICH Early operators of Rolls-Royce Trent 700 engines powering the Airbus Industrie A330 twin are working with the manufacturer to eliminate surge, vibration and turbine disk corrosion problems. These have led to a higher than expected number of engine removals recently. R-R has developed solutions for the surge and ...

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    Delta Air Lines has taken delivery of its first Boeing 777-200ER ahead of a planned entry into commercial service on transatlantic routes from 1 May. The 277-seat Rolls-Royce Trent-powered aircraft will initially be operated between Atlanta and London and, from September, between Cincinnati and London and Atlanta and Frankfurt. The ...

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    Launch cancelled


    The Chinese Long March 2C launch of two Motorola Iridium satellites scheduled for the end of March has been postponed due to "technical problems-on both sides", says Motorola and Great Wall Industry. Both deny that the decision was related to the US Government's ban on the Chinese launch of large ...