All news – Page 6545

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    Safety boards act on cockpit recorder safety


    Canadian and US safety boards are recommending changes to cockpit voice and flight data recorders (CVRs and FDRs) to prevent power interruptions which have complicated recent accident investigations. Canadian investigators say their efforts to determine the cause of last September's Swissair Boeing MD-11 crash have been compromised by missing ...

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    European Air Express launched with Fokker 50s


    A former shareholder in Debonair Germany has setup an airline to operate on the Mönchengladbach-Munich route using 48-seat turboprops. UK-based Debonair pulled out of the German domestic market in December after signing a wet-lease deal with Lufthansa. European Air Express (EAE) is operating twice-daily flights using two Fokker 50s ...

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    Y2K live test set for US airspace systems


    Graham Warwick/WASHINGTON DC The first live test of changes made to the US national airspace system to overcome year 2000 (Y2K) computer problems has been scheduled for the early hours of 10 April, centred on Denver, Colorado. The Federal Aviation Administration says it is on course to complete ...

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    ICAO leads way with enhanced proximity warning proposals


    David Learmount/AMSTERDAM In a visible break with tradition, the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) is set to make mandatory the use of flight data analysis (FDA) and enhanced ground proximity warning systems (EGPWS) even though they have not yet been declared requirements in any member state. Previously, the organisation ...

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    Gandalf targets Linate traffic with 328JET fleet


    Italian new entrant Gandalf Airlines is to launch operations from Bergamo at the end of this month and will take delivery of four Fairchild Dornier 328JETs between September and December. Initial flights will be operated to Munich and Stuttgart in Germany, using two 328 turboprops dry-leased from the manufacturer, ...

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    Indonesia pushes for transport safety board


    Andrzej Jeziorski/JAKARTA The head of Indonesia's Aircraft Accident Investigation Commission is pushing for the formation of a body, modelled on the US National Transportation Safety Board, to take control of air safety issues by 2004. The move is being pursued in the wake of the much-criticised investigation into ...

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    Expanding Jersey to order new aircraft


    Jersey European Airways (JEA) has finalised negotiations with Bombardier for its major fleet re-equipment. The UK regional airline's chief executive, Barry Perrott, is expected to announce the order in London on 17 March. The deal, thought to be worth over $250million, is expected to total at least 15 aircraft, ...

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    Emissions reduction


    The International Civil Aviation Organisation has adopted a recommendation from its Committee on Aviation Environmental Protection (CAEP) to reduce NOx emissions by 16% for engines designed after 2003. The CAEP is studying noise limits more stringent than Stage 3, and the development of new emissions parameters covering climb and cruise. ...

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    Troubled Olympic may defer 737-800 deliveries as new team arrives


    Julian Moxon/PARIS Olympic Airways, struggling with financial and management problems, is considering deferring delivery of eight new Boeing 737-800s for up to a year. The Greek flag carrier, which remains 100% government-owned, says the decision on whether to delay delivery "must await the arrival of a new consulting team ...

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    PIA turns to Cathay Pacific for 747-300 lease


    Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) has signed a letter of intent with Hong Kong's Cathay Pacific Airways for the lease of five Boeing 747-300s as interim replacements from mid-April for the carrier's six 747-200Bs. PIA has long been planning a 747-200 replacement programme, examining the Boeing 747-400 and 777 and Airbus ...

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    Royal Air Maroc fine-tunes fleet renewal requirements


    Emma Kelly/CASABLANCA Royal Air Maroc (RAM) will finalise its long-haul fleet requirements by June. It is close to completing its fleet plans for the next 13 years, but is "fine-tuning" its needs, says chairman and chief executive Mohamed Hassad. The Moroccan flag carrier has decided that its major requirement ...

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    U-Land faces grounding over Taiwan airport fee payment


    Brent Hannon/TAIPEI Taiwan's Civil Aeronautics Administration is expected to ground domestic carrier U-Land Airlines this month if it fails to pay the $760,000 it owes in airport fees. The CAA, which is also threatening helicopter operator Asia Pacific Airlines over an outstanding $35,000, has rescheduled U-Land's debt several ...

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    Airlines move to fill Channel Islands vacuum


    Herman de Wulf/BRUSSELS Aurigny Air Services and VLM are looking to capitalise on KLMuk's decision to reduce its Channel Islands operations, with new routes to the UK mainland and Continental Europe. Channel Islands-based Aurigny has applied to replace KLM uk on services between Guernsey and London Stansted from April. Jersey ...

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    Aerospatiale unveils blueprint for new business structure


    Julian Moxon/PARIS Andrew Doyle/BONN Aerospatiale is to spin off its major operations into four wholly owned subsidiaries in a move it says is intended to aid the reorganisation of the European aerospace and defence industries. The new subsidiaries are to be known as Aerospatiale Airbus, Aerospatiale ATR, Aerospatiale ...

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    Alenia and Dasa form strategic link with Hellenic Aerospace


    Alenia Aerospazio and DaimlerChrysler Aerospace (Dasa) have separately formed strategic alliances with Hellenic Aerospace Industries (HAI), covering a range of civil and military programmes. HAI already supplies Airbus parts to the German company. The relationship will be expanded to cover participation in Dasa's ongoing upgrade of Greek McDonnell Douglas ...

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    Lufthansa plans capacity rise despite decline in yields


    Andrew Doyle/BERLIN Chris Jasper/LONDON Lufthansa is planning to buck the European trend and increase capacity by 13% with the introduction of its summer schedules, despite sharing industry concerns over declining yields. Other European - and US - majors have been saddled with excess capacity over the past 12 months ...

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    Brazilian offer


    Brazil is to allow foreign companies to rent its Alcantara launch site. Brazilian airports authority Infraero, which administers the site on the north-eastern coast, says it has signed a letter of intent with Fiat Avio of Italy, which would allow the company to use the site by the end of ...

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    Spacehab drums up first Space Station research customer


    The first customer has been signed up for the Spacehab commercial space research facility aboard the International Space Station. The Colorado School of Mines' Center for Commercial Applications of Combustion in Space will use the Spacehab-funded furnace, known as Space-Drums, to process exotic glasses and ceramic materials in microgravity. ...

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    Go-ahead for Hubble repair mission


    NASA has given the go-ahead for an emergency mission to service the Space Shuttle's Hubble Space Telescope to be launched in October. The mission will replace all six gyros on the Hubble. The telescope has already lost two gyros and a third is giving problems. If the Hubble loses ...

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    Clusters prepared for launch by Soyuz


    DaimlerChrysler Aerospace's Dornier Satellitensysteme division has completed the first of four Cluster 2 science satellites due to be launched in mid-2000. The satellites will be launched in pairs on Russian Soyuz boosters operated by the Samara/Aerospatiale/Arianespace Starsem consortium. The four original Clusters were lost in the failure of the first ...